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Total Articles : 2889

  Open Access Article Published on :- 08-Jan-2023

Anti-molestation Device with Heart Rate Sensor

Prathamesh Jagtap, Vinit Mhapralkar, Abhishek Rajpurohit, Shrutika Khobragade,
AbstractOver the last few years, the status of women in India has changed dramatically. Women, however, continue to face social problems and are frequently . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Mobile Computing, Communications & Mobile Networks (jomccmn)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 20-Jan-2023

Steepening Pit Walls: Geotechnical and Economic Implications

M. Affam, P. Newton,
AbstractCurrent approach to pit-wall analysis tends to separate designs into distinct categories. The first consideration involves analysis of slope in which . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering (ijgge)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 24-Jan-2023

Evaluation of the Resistance of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Steel Slag and Cement with Bentonite Powder

Uday N. Gawai, S.P. Nirkhe,
AbstractAccording to the World Health Organization, concrete is the third most consumed material by humans after food and water. Concrete consists of cement, . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Concrete Technology (ijct)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 15-Jan-2023

A Study of Virtual Machines Environment in Cloud Computing

Nikita Lakhmera, Amit Kumar Gupta, Priya Mathur,
AbstractThe Cloud computing is most widely used technological concept which gives the efficient result in concern to availability and utilizing of resources, . . .

[This section belongs to Recent Trends in Parallel Computing (rtpc)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 20-Jan-2023

Evaluating and Optimizing Intersection Performance in Indian Context—A Case Study

Rohan Vardhan, Rahul Vardhan Bhatnagar,
AbstractTraffic Jams in a network of intersections and roads is an omnipresent issue that is caused by several parameters. The Panchkula City of India based . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System (ijtets)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 17-Jan-2023

An Accurate Data Integrity in Edge Computing.

Rakesh C Bhavsar,
AbstractEdge computing is the evolution and more-efficient form of Cloud computing and is the ability to process and store data faster, enabling for more . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Embedded Systems and Emerging Technologies (ijeset)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 19-Jan-2023

Surveillance Drone

Pranesh Dilip Tambe, Ameya Rajesh Pati, Kiran Dhaije, Ragini Sharma,
AbstractIn today’s society, surveillance is becoming increasingly important in order to maintain a place’s decorum and assure the safety and security of its . . .

[This section belongs to Recent Trends in Programming languages (rtpl)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 25-Jan-2023

Parametric Assessment of Prefabricated Buildings and Conventional Steel Bearings

Rushabh S. Thole, A.B. Vawhale,
AbstractPrefabricated buildings are primarily prepared through the process of pre-planning and prefabrication. The advancement of the prefabricated building . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Structural Engineering and Analysis (ijsea)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 20-Mar-2023

Free Swelling Behaviour of Bentonite-Sand Mixtures in Presence of Pore Fluids of Different Dielectric Constants

Shafi Kamal Rahman, Binu Sharma, Asuri Sridharan,
AbstractThe free swelling behaviour of bentonite sand mixtures have been studied using different percentage of ethanol-water and methanol-water solutions. . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering (ijgge)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 09-Jan-2023

Parallelization of Metaheuristics for the Optimization of Permuted Perceptron Problem

Anurag Yadav,
AbstractParallel computing has found a mainstream backing in graphics processing units (GPUs).These resources have enormous processing capacity, are energy . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends (joosdt)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 24-Jan-2023

Impact of City Planning on Cultural Identity: A case study of Jaipur City

Megha Singh, Avitesh,
AbstractThe phenomenon of expressing as well as communicating cultural identity in architecture and design is evident in numerous parts of the world: this . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Town Planning and Management (ijtpm)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 19-Jan-2023

Behavior of RC Frame Considering Soil Structure Interaction Under Seismic Load

Mohammed Rizwan Quadri, L. G. Kalurkar,
AbstractPresent study focusses on the behavior of reinforced concrete frames considering soil structure interaction by performing linear static and dynamic . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Structural Engineering and Analysis (ijsea)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 28-Jan-2023

Recognition and Detection of Content in Video Using OpenCV

Akshit Rawat,
AbstractThe emergence and continued reliance on the Internet and related technologies has resulted in massive amounts of data that can be analysed. Humans, on . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (ijippr)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 27-Jan-2023

An Optimised CPU Scheduling Algorithm with Adaptive Time Quantum Approach

Pradyut Nath, Sumagna Dey, Srija Nandi, Subhrapratim Nath,
AbstractCPU scheduling is an essential mechanism implemented by the operating system to determine the execution of multiple processes by the CPU. The primary . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends (joosdt)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 10-Jan-2023

Study on the Response of Strengthening Strategies for Masonry-infilled Open Ground Storey Framed Building

Aojoy Kumar Shuvo, Ashadul Islam,
AbstractThe strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings with masonry infill wall and with open ground storey is a very timely and significant . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Structural Engineering and Management (josem)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 22-May-2023

Reinvigorating Tabi’at Through Immunomodulation Under the Paradigm of Asbab-E-Sitta Zarooriya (The Six Essential Factors): An Analytical Appraisal

Syeda Ayeman Mazhar, Rubi Anjum, Ammar Ibne Anwar, AbdulAziz Khan,
AbstractThe concept of Tabi’at is unique to Unani system of medicine. It is body’s internal resistance to combat diseases and to fight against infections. . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (rrjoush)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023

Evaluation of Heat Stress Exposure to Occupational Workers at Workplace

Pallavee V. Krushna, Nishith Ghosh, J.D. Sharma, Alok Srivastava,
AbstractHeat stress is considered as an occupational health hazard encountered in indoor as well as outdoor environments. In industries, many operations are . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering (joise)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 14-Jan-2023

Regionalization of Urbanization for Better Built Environment

Ashwani Luthra,
AbstractThe built environment of the cities is largely governed by the practices being following in planning and developing different land uses on their . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture (ijlpa)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 20-May-2023

Correlating the Strength Parameters of Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete

Saad Issa Sarsam,
AbstractBuilding verified models can help in predicting performance characteristics of asphalt concrete and saving time and money. An attempt has been made in . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System (ijtets)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 12-Jan-2023

Two Wheeler Adjustment Factor to Estimate Queue Length at Signalized Intersection under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions

Jithender Jatoth,
AbstractThe two-wheeler adjustment factor derived in the present study to predict queue length at approaches of signalized intersections in mixed traffic . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System (ijtets)]

Total: 598

Open Access
Human-Machine Interaction in Manufacturing and Design: Challenges, Innovations, and Applications
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Human-machine interaction, Manufacturing, Design, Human-centered design, Ergonomics, Collaborative
Participating Journals: International Journal of Machine Systems and Manufacturing Technology
Open Access
Concurrent Engineering for Design and Manufacturing: Methods, Practices, and Challenges
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Concurrent engineering, Collaborative design, Collaborative manufacturing, Design for
Participating Journals: International Journal of Machine Systems and Manufacturing Technology
Open Access
Multi-Objective Optimization of Design and Manufacturing Processes: Methods, Applications, and Challenges
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Multi-objective optimization, Pareto optimization, Trade-off analysis, Robust design, Robust
Participating Journals: International Journal of Machine Systems and Manufacturing Technology
Open Access
Digital Design and Manufacturing Technologies for Industry 4.0: Advancements and Challenges
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Digital design, Digital Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Digital twins, Simulation, Cyber-physical
Participating Journals: International Journal of Machine Systems and Manufacturing Technology
Open Access
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Design and Manufacturing Practices: Innovations, Challenges, and Opportunities
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Sustainable design, Eco-friendly design, Manufacturing practices, Waste reduction, Resource
Participating Journals: International Journal of Machine Systems and Manufacturing Technology
  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Animal Gastrointestinal Tract in Animals . . .

Anas Ansari,Divya Kundan,Harsh Mishra,

[This section belongs to International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications (ijaba)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

The Pre-domestic Approach: Insights from . . .

Vásquez E.F.,

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology (rrjobt)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Teen Pregnancy in the Event of a . . .

Irfat Ara,Mehrukh Zehravi,Mudasir Maqbool,Imran Gani,

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions (rrjohp)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Zeolite-Y Encapsulated Copper (II) and . . .

K Akinlolu,

[This section belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis (jocc)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Sea Level Rise and Its Impacts on Indian . . .

Kamlesh Gade,

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Heritage (ijah)]

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