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How do I submit my research paper to an STM journal? +

To submit your research paper to an STM journal, you typically need to visit the journal’s website and follow the submission guidelines. These guidelines provide instructions on preparing your manuscript, formatting, and any specific requirements for the journal.

What are STM Journals? +

STM (Science, Technology, and Medicine) journals are scholarly publications that focus on research in scientific, technological, and medical disciplines. They serve as platforms for researchers to disseminate their findings and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

What is a subscription-based publication module? +

The subscription-based publication module is a model in which readers need a subscription of Journals or pay-per-view access to access articles published in STM journals. It involves a fee-based system where individuals or institutions pay for access to the journal’s content.

What is a special issue? +

A Special Issue is a collection of papers with a precise focus within any journal published. These Special Issues are compiled by an editor who is responsible for the selection of contributions to a special issue.


What are proofs in the context of STM journal publishing? +

Proofs, also known as galley proofs or page proofs, are the typeset version of an article that has undergone copyediting and formatting by the journal’s production team. They represent the near-final version of the article as it will appear in the published journal.

What is Open Access? +

Open Access refers to the practice of providing free and unrestricted access to scholarly research literature online. It allows anyone with an internet connection to read, download, copy, distribute, and use research articles without any financial or legal barriers.

What Open access license types are available to authors? +

All open access articles are published under either the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) or the Creative Commons Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND), in which the copyright remains with the author.

What are the ethical considerations related to publishing in open access journals? +

Open access publishing is a growing trend in academic publishing that enables free, unrestricted access to published research. Ethical considerations related to open access publishing include ensuring that the research is of high quality and conducted ethically, protecting the rights of the authors, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring that the research is accessible to all who wish to read it.

How do I mark my corrections? +

For the majority of journals, we ask that you mark your corrections electronically by annotating the PDF. Instructions for commenting on PDFs can be found here. [link: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/commenting-pdfs.html]

Some journals ask for a list of corrections to be submitted via email.

Do not reply to the email proof alert or directly to the typesetter. If you have any queries about your proof please contact the proof collator.

What are Article Processing Charges (APCs)? +

Article Processing Charges (APCs) are fees charged by STM  journals to cover the costs associated with the publication process. These costs include manuscript handling, peer review, copyediting, typesetting, hosting the article on a website, and ensuring its availability to readers.

What are the different publishing modules used by STM Journals? +

STM journal publishers use various publishing modules to distribute and disseminate research papers. The common publishing modules include:

  1. Subscription-basedReaders need a subscription or pay-per-view access to read the articles.
  2. Open Access (Gold): Articles are freely available to readers, and the authors or institutions often pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publishing costs.
  3. Hybrid: Journals offer a combination of subscription-based and open access articles within the same publication.
  4. Green Open Access: Authors self-archive their accepted manuscripts in institutional or subject-based repositories, allowing free access after a certain embargo period.
What are the submission guidelines for STM journals? +

Submission guidelines for STM journals outline the requirements and formatting instructions for manuscripts. They typically include information on manuscript structure, citation style, reference formatting, and any specific guidelines for figures, tables, or supplementary materials. Consult the journal’s website for the specific submission guidelines.

Can I propose a Special Issue to an STM journal? +

Yes, many STM journals welcome proposals for Special Issues. If you have a compelling theme or topic in mind, you can reach out to the journal’s editorial office or check the journal’s website for information on submitting proposals. The proposal typically outlines the theme, rationale, potential guest editors, and timeline for the Special Issue.

Why is Open Access important? +

Open Access promotes the dissemination of knowledge by removing barriers that restrict access to research. It allows researchers, students, policymakers, and the public to access and benefit from scholarly information, fostering innovation, collaboration, and scientific progress.

What is the purpose of reviewing proofs? +

Reviewing proofs allows authors to ensure the accuracy and integrity of their work before it is published. It offers an opportunity to identify and correct any typographical errors, formatting issues, or other minor discrepancies that may have occurred during the production process.

How can I access articles published in subscription-based STM journals? +

To access articles in subscription-based STM journals, you typically need a subscription through a library, academic institution, or individual access. Libraries and institutions often purchase subscriptions to provide access to their members or students. Individual access can be obtained through personal subscriptions or pay-per-view options offered by the publisher.

How do I ensure that my research is ethically conducted and reported in an open access journal? +

Ethical conduct of research is essential to ensure the integrity and credibility of the research. To ensure ethical conduct of research, authors should follow ethical guidelines and principles such as the Declaration of Helsinki, Belmont Report, and the Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Additionally, authors should obtain informed consent from study participants, maintain confidentiality of participant data, report the research findings accurately and honestly, and disclose any conflicts of interest.

When do you need my proof corrections? +

We generally require your corrections within 2 to 4 working days. Please check the instructions sent to you with your proof for the deadline and details of where to send your corrections. It is important that you attend to your proof as soon as possible so that publication is not delayed.

You should return your proof as soon as you can even if this is after the deadline has passed. However, if you are away for any significant time, you should nominate a co-author to check the proof for you, or if this is not possible please email the proof collator to let them know when you may be able to return the proof.

Why do STM journals charge APCs? +

STM journals charge APCs to cover the expenses incurred in the publication process. Unlike subscription-based journals where readers pay for access, APCs allow journals to make articles freely available to readers without any paywall barriers, thereby promoting open access to research.

What is a CC-BY license? +

Creative Commons licenses such as CC-BY are used by many academic publishers. The CC-BY license grants the most liberal reuse rights of all commonly used OA licenses. It allows users to distribute, reuse, modify, and build upon work as long as proper attribution to the original article is provided. Works published with a CC-BY license may be used for commercial purposes.Some funding agencies require grant recipients to publish with a CC-BY license. Authors should verify with their funding agency before selecting 

I have received a proof and see that my article has been changed after it was accepted. Why has it been changed? +

After an article is accepted, it is copyedited to ensure it conforms to the journal style. Usually the changes are not major. If major changes are required the article will be referred back to the journal’s editors. If you believe that changes have been made which are inaccurate then please clearly mark the corrections you require.

Who pays the APCs? +

APCs are typically paid by the author or their affiliated institution. In some cases, research grants or funding agencies may cover the APCs. It is important to consider the availability of funds for APCs when planning to publish in an open access journal.

What is the CC BY-NC-ND license? +

The CC BY-NC-ND is similar to the CC-BY license, in that authors are allowed to retain copyright to their work, and end users may reuse the work, provided that they credit the original author. The end user does not have to obtain permission from the authors to reuse the work, but the reuse cannot be for commercial purposes or change the work in any way. Some funding agencies require grant recipients to publish with a CC BY-NC-ND license. Authors should verify with their funding agency before selecting their copyright license.

Can I freely read and download articles published under the subscription-based module? +

No, articles published under the subscription-based module are not freely accessible. They are accessible only to individuals or institutions that have paid for a subscription or obtained authorized access. Access to the articles may be restricted by a paywall or login requirements.

How do I choose the right publishing module for my research paper? +

Choosing the right publishing module depends on several factors, including:

  • Funding availability: If you have funding to cover publication costs, you may consider open access or hybrid publishing.
  • Research field and target audience: Different disciplines have different publishing norms and preferences.
  • Research impact goals: Open access publishing can enhance visibility and impact, but subscription-based journals may have higher prestige in certain fields.
  • Funder or institutional requirements: Some funding agencies or institutions may require open access publication or compliance with specific publishing policies.
What file formats are accepted for manuscript submission? +

STM journals often accept manuscripts in common formats such as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) files. Check the journal’s submission guidelines for the acceptable file formats.

How does Open Access differ from traditional publishing? +

Traditional publishing usually involves journal subscriptions or pay-per-view fees, which restrict access to published research. Open Access, on the other hand, makes research freely available, enabling a wider audience to read and use the findings without financial barriers.

How are proofs provided to authors? +

Proofs are typically provided to authors in digital formats, such as PDF files or online proofing systems. The journal’s editorial office usually sends the proofs to the corresponding author via email or through an online manuscript management system.

What is the procedure to propose a special issue? +

The authors/Editors who would like to propose a Special Issue and be the Lead Guest Editor are required to submit the proposal form from the Journals Library

Are there any specific ethical guidelines that I need to follow while publishing in an open access journal? +

There are no specific ethical guidelines that apply only to open access publishing. However, authors should follow the general ethical guidelines and principles of research conduct and publishing that apply to all academic journals, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines, and the guidelines of their specific field of study.

What comprises a proposal? +

.A proposal contains diverse aspects, such as

  • Journal Name
  • Special Issue Title
  • Lead Guest Editor details
  • Guest Editor details
  • Submission Deadline date
  • Publication Date
  • Description
  • Provisional Paper Listing.
My article is now online. When will it appear in an issue? +

Each journal has its own policy for including articles in issues and what goes into each issue is usually the journal editor’s decision. Many journals also have large forward loads of articles waiting for inclusion in an issue. Issues are generally compiled about 6 to 8 weeks before the issue cover date. However, online publication confirms that an article is published and it can confidently be cited as such.

At what point does an author select an open access license? +

After an article has been accepted, the corresponding author will be prompted to complete the electronic copyright form. If an author is publishing OA, the author will be asked to choose either the CC-BY or CC BY-NC-ND license.

Are all articles in STM journals subject to APCs? +

No, not all articles in STM journals are subject to APCs. Subscription-based journals do not charge APCs as they generate revenue through subscription fees. However, in open access journals, where articles are freely available, APCs are often required to cover the publishing costs.

What are the benefits of open access publishing from an ethical standpoint? +

Open access publishing has several ethical benefits. It promotes greater transparency, accessibility, and dissemination of research, enabling greater participation in the scientific discourse by researchers, policy-makers, and the public. Additionally, open access publishing can lead to greater collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers, which can lead to faster scientific progress.

How do I choose the right STM journal for my research? +

To choose the right STM journal for your research, consider factors such as the journal’s scope, relevance to your research field, impact factor, readership, indexing in reputable databases, publishing policies, and open access options. Consulting colleagues, mentors, or academic librarians can also provide guidance in selecting appropriate journals.

What should I check while reviewing proofs? +

While reviewing proofs, authors should carefully check the following aspects:

  • Accuracy of the content: Verify that the text, figures, tables, and equations accurately represent the intended content and any revisions made during the peer-review process.
  • Formatting and layout: Ensure that the article adheres to the journal’s style guidelines, including headings, subheadings, references, citations, and any specific formatting requirements.
  • Typographical errors: Look for any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies in punctuation, capitalization, or numbering.
  • Figures and tables: Examine the placement, labeling, and formatting of figures and tables, ensuring they are clear and properly referenced in the text.
Are there any specific formatting requirements for STM journal submissions? +

Yes, STM journal submissions generally have specific formatting requirements. These may include font style and size, line spacing, margins, and section headings. The guidelines often provide detailed instructions on how to format the title page, abstract, main text, references, and other manuscript components.

Can I share articles from subscription-based STM journals with others? +

Sharing articles from subscription-based STM journals may be limited by copyright restrictions. The terms of use usually permit personal use, such as reading and printing for individual research purposes. However, sharing articles with others may require permission from the copyright holder, unless it falls under fair use or other applicable exceptions.


What is the difference between “free” and “open” articles? +

The terms “free” and “open” are often used interchangeably when discussing articles, but they have distinct meanings in the context of scholarly publishing:
Free Articles:
Free articles refer to content that is accessible to readers without any cost. These articles can be accessed and read without requiring a subscription or payment. They are made freely available online, allowing anyone to read, download, and share the content without financial barriers. Free articles are typically funded by institutions, organizations, or grants, and they aim to promote widespread access to knowledge.
Open Articles:
Open articles, on the other hand, go beyond being freely accessible and include additional permissions and rights. Open articles are typically published under a Creative Commons license or a similar open licensing framework. These licenses provide users with more extensive rights, allowing them not only to read and download the content but also to reuse, remix, redistribute, and build upon the material, as long as proper attribution is given to the original source. Open articles enable broader engagement, collaboration, and innovation within the research community.

How are Special Issues different from regular journal issues? +

Special Issues differ from regular journal issues in that they are dedicated to a specific theme or topic. Regular journal issues typically contain a diverse range of articles on various subjects within the scope of the journal, while Special Issues focus exclusively on a particular theme.

How do I pay? +

If you select an open access license to publish, you will be invited to pay online after signing the license. It allows you to pay online using a bank transfer, PayPal, or to request an invoice by email

Can I switch the publishing module for my research paper after it has been published? +

Switching the publishing module for a research paper after it has been published is generally not possible. Once the paper has undergone the publication process and is available to readers, it is typically bound by the terms and conditions of the chosen publishing module. It is important to consider the desired publishing module before submitting your paper for publication. However If the author wishes to present their article in an open access format, they must pay the current ongoing fees for the journal. This will enable the article to be viewed freely and without restriction by all readers.

Can I make changes to the content of my article during the proofing stage? +

The primary purpose of the proofing stage is to correct any errors introduced during the production process, rather than making substantial content changes. However, minor revisions or corrections related to the clarity, accuracy, or presentation of the content may be allowed. It is advisable to discuss any significant content changes with the journal’s editorial office.

How can I avoid conflicts of interest while publishing in an open access journal? +

Authors should disclose all potential conflicts of interest, including financial, personal, or professional relationships that may influence their research, in their manuscript submission. Editors and reviewers should also be aware of potential conflicts of interest and should recuse themselves from the review process if they have any conflicts.

What are the different types of Open Access? +

There are two main types of Open Access:

  1. Green Open Access: Researchers self-archive their work in an institutional or subject-based repository, making it freely accessible after a certain embargo period.
  2. Gold Open Access: Authors publish their work in an Open Access journal, making it immediately available to the public without any restrictions.
What should I include in my submission to an STM journal? +

In your submission to an STM journal, you should include the manuscript (formatted according to the journal’s guidelines), a cover letter introducing your research, any required supporting documents (e.g., data sets, supplementary materials), and a list of suggested reviewers (if applicable).

I’ve looked at the latest issue of your journal and several articles are included which were published online after my article. Why was my article not included in the issue? +

When scheduling articles for any particular issue, the journal editor and/or content manager take a number of things into account, including date of submission, date of acceptance, date of online publication, subject balance or theme in an issue, and also length (every journal has a strict annual page budget, and we try to get as close as possible to this). When making the final selection of articles for an issue, date of online publication has to be balanced against all these other factors so may not always be the prime consideration

Can I publish my research paper in subscription-based STM journals without a subscription? +

Yes, you can submit your research paper to subscription-based STM journals for consideration and potential publication even if you do not have a subscription. Subscriptions are typically not required for authors submitting their work for review or publication. However, access to the published article may require a subscription or purchase.

What is the deadline for returning the corrected proofs? +

The journal typically provides a specific deadline for returning the corrected proofs. It is crucial to review and make the necessary corrections promptly, adhering to the given timeframe. Late submission of corrections may result in delays in the publication process.

What should be included in the cover letter for my manuscript submission? +

The cover letter should introduce your manuscript to the journal’s editors. It typically includes the title of the manuscript, a brief summary of the research and its significance, a statement of originality, and any additional information you wish to convey to the editors, such as potential conflicts of interest or prior conference presentations.

My article was published in a 2021 issue but the copyright date on the first page is 2020. Is this an error? +

The copyright date of an article always matches the date an article was first published. As many of our journals publish online ahead of issue publication, individual articles are published online as soon as they are corrected. It can easily happen that an article may not appear in an issue until some months later, possibly the following year. In these cases the journal’s year of publication will not match the copyright year stated, and this is entirely correct.

How can I find out if a specific STM journal is subscription-based? +

To determine if a specific STM journal is subscription-based, you can visit the journal’s website or check the information provided by STM. The journal’s website usually indicates its access model, subscription options, or provides information on how to subscribe.

What fees are charged for Open Access publication? +

Open access articles are supported by article processing charges (APCs), rather than through subscriptions. APCs may be paid by the author, the author’s institution, or a funding agency. For more information on APCs, please see the Article Processing Charges page

How do I know if a specific STM journal offers open access publishing? +

To determine if a specific STM journal offers open access publishing, you can visit the journal’s website. Journal websites often provide information about their access model, open access options, and any associated Article Processing Charges (APCs).

Can I publish my work in multiple open access journals? +

Publishing the same work in multiple journals, including open access journals, is generally considered unethical and can lead to duplicate publication. Authors should avoid submitting the same work to multiple journals and should ensure that their work is original and has not been previously published.

Are all Open Access articles free to read and download? +

Yes, Open Access articles are generally free to read and download. However, some Open Access journals may charge article processing charges (APCs) to cover publication costs. These charges are usually paid by the author or their funding institution.

Can anyone submit a paper to a Special Issue? +

Yes, Special Issues usually invite researchers to submit papers relevant to the theme. The call for papers, submission guidelines, and deadlines are announced in the journal or through other relevant channels. Researchers interested in contributing to a Special Issue can submit their papers for consideration, following the specified guidelines.

I would like to ask for permission to reuse the content in a published paper in one of the journals. +

All articles are published using a CC-BY license, which means that the author keeps their copyright. Articles can be used freely provided that they are appropriately referenced and cited.

What are the benefits of publishing in Open Access Journals? +

Publishing in Open Access journals increases the visibility and impact of research. It can lead to higher citation rates, broader readership, and increased opportunities for collaboration. Open Access publications are also more likely to be shared and cited on social media and other platforms.

Can I submit my paper to multiple STM journals simultaneously? +

Simultaneous submission of a research paper to multiple STM journals is generally considered unethical. It is advisable to submit your paper to one journal at a time and await the outcome before considering submission to another journal.

Can I request additional changes or revisions after returning the corrected proofs? +

After returning the corrected proofs, it is generally expected that only the necessary corrections will be made. Requests for significant changes or revisions beyond the scope of typographical or minor corrections may be declined by the journal. It is advisable to discuss any additional changes with the editorial office before making them.

What is accepted manuscript publication? +

Some journals offer accepted manuscript publication. A PDF version of the accepted manuscript (a manuscript that has completed peer review and editorial acceptance but has not been copyedited or typeset) is published online ahead of FirstView. An accepted manuscript PDF is published within four days of the manuscript being received by Cambridge University Press, allowing authors to make their work available to read and cite much more quickly. The accepted manuscript will eventually be replaced with the final copyedited and typeset Version of Record.

Are there any free or discounted access options available for individuals or researchers in low-income countries? +

STM offer discounted access options for individuals or researchers in low-income countries through initiatives like Research4Life or HINARI. These programs aim to bridge the access gap by providing access to scientific literature to researchers in resource-constrained settings.

Do Open access Charge submission fees? +

Do Open access Charge submission fees?

Are there any funding options available to cover the open access publishing fees? +

Yes, various funding options may be available to cover open access publishing fees. These options include research grants, funding from institutions or departments, support from funding agencies, or specific open access funds established by institutions or organizations. It is recommended to explore these funding opportunities or discuss with your institution’s library or research support services.

How are papers for Special Issues reviewed? +

The review process for papers in Special Issues follows the same rigorous peer-review process as regular journal articles. The papers are typically subjected to anonymous peer review by experts in the field, ensuring the quality and integrity of the research.

Are there any exemptions or discounts for APCs? +

Some STM journals offer exemptions or discounts for APCs in certain cases. For example, waivers or reduced APCs may be available for authors from low-income countries, researchers with limited funding, or under specific institutional agreements. It is advisable to check the journal’s website or contact the Journal Manager for information about possible exemptions or discounts.

Can I publish the same research paper in both subscription-based and open access journals simultaneously? +

Publishing the same research paper simultaneously in both subscription-based and open access journals is generally not allowed. Most journals require authors to submit original work that has not been previously published elsewhere. However, some journals may allow authors to deposit preprints or self-archive accepted manuscripts in repositories while the final version is published in a subscription-based or open access journal.

I should be included as a co-author of this publication, please advise me how to proceed. +
  • It follows guidelines on authorship. Contributors who meet fewer than all four criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors, but they should be acknowledged. You can get in touch with the team of the relevant journal should you need to make any correction to authorship. All listed authors would be required to fill in and sign an authorship change form.
  • For the authorship dispute, please contact the authors or institute/university first. According to the guideline of COPE, it is not the role of the journal editors to determine who qualifies or does not qualify for authorship or to arbitrate authorship conflicts. If agreement cannot be reached about who qualifies for authorship, the institution(s) where the work was performed should be asked to investigate.
Are there limitations on manuscript length or numbers of figures? +

No, there are no limits on manuscript length or numbers of figures in journal articles.

What happens after I return the corrected proofs? +

After you return the corrected proofs, the journal’s production team will review the changes and make the final adjustments to the article. They will incorporate the approved corrections and ensure that the article aligns with the journal’s style and production requirements.

How will readers know which articles are available via Open Access? +

Open Access articles will be explicitly labeled, ensuring that users are promptly informed when an article is published under an Open Access model.

Can I submit a paper to a Special Issue if I missed the deadline? +

The submission deadlines for Special Issues are typically set in advance to ensure a cohesive collection of articles. If you missed the deadline, it may not be possible to submit your paper for that particular Special Issue. However, you can consider submitting your work to regular issues or future Special Issues if they are announced.

Can I access subscription-based articles after they become older or enter into the public domain? +

Subscription-based articles do not generally enter the public domain solely based on their age. The copyright of the articles is determined by the terms agreed upon between the authors and the publishers. It is important to respect copyright and licensing terms when accessing and using published articles.

Can I use subscription-based articles for educational purposes in my classroom or institution? +

The use of subscription-based articles for educational purposes may be governed by copyright laws and the terms of use specified by the publisher. It is advisable to review the copyright permissions provided by the publisher and consult with your institution’s copyright office or legal department for guidance on educational use.

Are all papers submitted to a Special Issue accepted for publication? +

Not all papers submitted to a Special Issue are automatically accepted for publication. The submitted papers undergo the same rigorous review process as regular journal articles. The decision to accept or reject a paper is based on the quality, scientific merit, and relevance to the theme of the Special Issue.

Can I retain copyright of my research paper when publishing in STM journals? +

Copyright policies vary among publishers and journals. Some publishers may require authors to transfer copyright to the journal, while others allow authors to retain copyright or offer licensing options. It is important to review the copyright policies of the target journal before submitting your research paper.

Can I negotiate or request a waiver for APCs? +

In certain situations, it may be possible to negotiate APCs or request a waiver. Some journals have specific criteria for granting waivers, such as the financial need of the author or the topic’s relevance to specific initiatives. It is advisable to contact the journal’s editorial office to inquire about possible options or guidelines for requesting waivers.

What are the consequences of publishing in predatory open access journals? +

Predatory open access journals are journals that do not follow ethical publishing practices and often engage in fraudulent activities such as charging exorbitant fees, falsifying peer-review, and publishing low-quality research. Publishing in predatory journals can damage an author’s reputation, as well as the credibility of their research. Additionally, predatory journals do not provide the same level of peer-review and quality control as reputable journals, which can lead to erroneous or fraudulent research findings.

What happens if my paper is accepted for publication in an STM journal? +

If your paper is accepted for publication in an STM journal, the journal’s editorial office will guide you through the publication process. This typically involves proofing, formatting, obtaining copyright permissions, and providing any additional materials requested by the journal.

Can errors still occur in the final published version despite proofing? +

Despite careful proofreading, some errors may still be present in the final published version. The proofing stage significantly reduces the likelihood of errors, but occasional oversights can occur. However, reputable journals take quality control measures to minimize errors and ensure the accuracy and integrity of published articles.

Is it beneficial to publish research papers in Open Access Journals? +

Publishing a research paper in an Open Access Journal is advantageous for authors as it enhances the visibility of their work. Opting for an Open Access Journal means that a larger audience will have the opportunity to access the paper, increasing its potential reach and impact.

Can I cite a paper published in a Special Issue separately from the rest of the journal? +

Yes, papers published in Special Issues can be cited separately from the rest of the journal. They are typically identified with a unique identifier or citation details specific to the Special Issue. It is important to follow the citation guidelines provided by the journal to accurately reference the Special Issue paper.

Can I access subscription-based articles from home or outside my institution’s network? +

The accessibility of subscription-based articles from home or outside your institution’s network depends on the access policies and technologies implemented by your institution or library. Many institutions provide remote access options, allowing authorized users to access subscription-based articles from anywhere through secure login systems or virtual private networks (VPNs).

Can I publish my research paper in STM journals without affiliation to an academic institution? +

Yes, it is possible to publish research papers in STM journals without affiliation to an academic institution. Journals typically evaluate the quality and scientific merit of the research rather than the author’s institutional affiliation. However, it is important to follow the submission guidelines and meet the journal’s criteria for authorship and research ethics.

What are the ethical considerations related to data sharing and reuse in open access publishing? +

Data sharing and reuse are important ethical considerations in open access publishing. Authors should ensure that any data used in their research is properly attributed and that any restrictions on data sharing are clearly communicated to readers. Additionally, authors should ensure that any data used in their research is obtained ethically and with informed consent from study participants.


Can I estimate APCs before submitting my article? +

Yes, you can estimate the APCs before submitting your article by checking the journal’s website or contacting the editorial office. The journal’s website often provides information about the APCs based on factors like article type, length, and additional features. This can help you plan and budget accordingly.

How long does it take for a paper to be published in an STM journal after acceptance? +

The time it takes for a paper to be published in an STM journal after acceptance can vary. It depends on factors such as the journal’s publication schedule, the availability of upcoming issues, and the time required for final formatting, proofing, and production processes. Typically, it can range from a few weeks to several months.

Can I request a second round of proofs if I discover errors after the initial review? +

In most cases, requesting a second round of proofs is not standard practice. The initial proofing stage is the primary opportunity to identify and correct errors. However, if significant errors are discovered after the initial review, it is advisable to contact the journal’s editorial office to discuss possible solutions or corrections.

Are both Journals and Special Issues Open Access? +

No, currently, the Journals have a hybrid open access model, whereas the special issues are fully open access.

How can researchers fund Open Access publication fees? +

Researchers can secure funding for Open Access publication fees from various sources, including research grants, funding agencies, academic institutions, and libraries. Some institutions also have dedicated Open Access funds or agreements with publishers to cover the costs.

Can I cite my article before it is officially published, based on the proofs? +

It is generally not recommended to cite or reference an article based solely on the proofs. Proofs are not considered the final published version and may undergo further adjustments or corrections before official publication. It is best to wait for the article to be officially published and assigned a unique identifier, such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), before citing it.

Are Special Issue papers indexed in the same databases as regular journal articles? +

Yes, Special Issue papers are generally indexed in the same databases as regular journal articles. They receive the same level of visibility and accessibility, provided the journal itself is indexed in the relevant databases. Special Issue papers contribute to the overall impact and reputation of the journal.

Can I request expedited publication of my paper? +

Some STM journals offer options for expedited publication, such as fast-track or rapid communication channels, for research with significant urgency or importance. However, expedited publication may involve additional fees or specific criteria set by the journal. It is advisable to check the journal’s website or contact the editorial office for information on expedited publication options.


How can I ensure that my work is properly attributed and that I receive credit for my research in open access journals? +

Authors should ensure that their work is properly attributed by including appropriate citations and references to all sources used in their research. Additionally, authors should ensure that their work is properly credited by including their name, institutional affiliation, and contact information in their manuscript submission.

What is the role of the author in the STM journal publication process? +

As an author, your role in the STM journal publication process includes writing and preparing the manuscript according to the journal’s guidelines, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the research, responding to reviewer comments, revising the manuscript as needed, and meeting any requirements for data sharing or ethical considerations.


Do you have an APC waiver policy? +

Yes we have a waiver policy for authors from low and lower-middle income countries. Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waiver on APCs. Corresponding authors from lower-middle-income countries are also eligible for a discount on APCs.The discount level is determined by the Hinari List.

Are APCs refundable if the article is rejected or withdrawn? +

The refund policy for APCs varies among journals and publishers. In some cases, if the article is rejected during the peer-review process or withdrawn by the author before publication, a partial or full refund of the APC may be possible. However, it is important to review the specific policies of the journal or contact us at [email protected] for clarification. 

What are the different types of articles published in STM journals? +

STM journals publish various types of articles, including original research articles, review articles, case studies, editorials, perspectives, commentaries, letters to the editor, and more. The availability of specific article types may vary among different journals.

Does Open Access compromise the quality of research? +

No, Open Access does not compromise the quality of research. Open Access journals follow rigorous peer-review processes to ensure the scholarly integrity and reliability of published articles. Many Open Access journals are reputable and adhere to established publishing standards.

My article has been accepted but I have not received a pdf proof to check +

If you have not received a PDF proof to check for your accepted article, it is advisable to reach out to the journal’s editorial office or the corresponding editor to inquire about the status of the proofing process. They will be able to provide information regarding the proofing stage and whether there have been any delays or issues with sending the proofs to authors.

It is important to ensure that your email address and contact information provided during the submission process are accurate and up to date. Sometimes, technical or communication issues can occur, resulting in the non-receipt of proofs. By contacting the journal’s editorial office, you can verify if there were any problems with the delivery of the proofs or if they require any additional information from you to proceed with the proofing stage.

The editorial office will be able to guide you on the next steps and provide clarification on the process. They may resend the proofs if necessary or provide an alternative method for reviewing and approving the final version of your article before publication. Communication with the journal’s editorial team is key to resolving any concerns or discrepancies in the proofing process.

Is there a word or page limit for STM journal submissions? +

STM journals often specify word or page limits for manuscript submissions. These limits can vary depending on the journal and the type of article (e.g., research article, review, or brief communication). It is important to adhere to the specified limits mentioned in the journal’s guidelines.

Are Special Issue papers freely available? +

The accessibility of Special Issue papers depends on the access model of the journal. If the journal follows a subscription-based model, access to the Special Issue papers may be restricted to subscribers. However, if the journal is open access, the Special Issue papers are freely available to all readers.

When do I need to confirm that I wish to publish open access via an APC? +

Authors submitting to fully open access journals will be asked to confirm at submission that they understand that the journal uses an open access model and that if their article is accepted they must pay an article processing charge. Authors submitting to hybrid journals are given the option to make their articles open access on acceptance.

Can Open Access articles be copyrighted? +

Yes, Open Access articles can be copyrighted. Authors retain copyright to their work even when publishing in Open Access journals. However, Open Access licenses, such as Creative Commons licenses, are often used to grant permissions for others to use, distribute, and build upon the research while giving credit to the original authors.

How can I contact the journal’s content manager? +

The proof notice you receive will give details of your content manager. If you have any queries prior to proof stage then email the journal’s editor whom you have dealt with to date or [email protected]

Your content manager can help you with any questions you may have about production matters. but if you have any queries about corrections to your proof then please contact the  content manager through [email protected]

What are the publication fees associated with STM journals? +

Many STM journals charge publication fees to cover the costs of the publication process. These fees are typically known as Article Processing Charges (APCs) and are often paid by the author or their affiliated institution. Some journals offer fee waivers or discounts for authors from low-income countries or provide open access options with associated APCs.


Can I submit supplementary materials along with my manuscript? +

Yes, many STM journals allow submission of supplementary materials to support and enhance the manuscript. Supplementary materials may include datasets, figures, tables, multimedia files, or any additional information that is relevant to the research. Check the journal’s guidelines for details on how to submit supplementary materials.

What is meant by the submission deadline? +

Submission Deadline means the last day for the paper submission. Papers cannot be submitted to the online submission system after the deadline. You should choose an appropriate duration for your Special Issue according to your estimation when you could solicit enough papers.

What is meant by the Publication deadline? +

Publication date means the expected completion date when all papers in your Special Issue are reviewed, revised and are ready for publication. The Special Issues are published within two months after the submission deadline.

At what point do I need to pay the APC? +

APCs are typically paid after your article has been accepted for publication. Upon acceptance, the journal’s editorial office will provide instructions on the payment process, including the payment deadline and available payment methods. It is important to complete the payment promptly to ensure timely publication.

What is the peer-review process in STM journals? +

The peer-review process in STM journals involves subjecting submitted manuscripts to evaluation by independent experts in the field. These experts (peers) review the research methodology, data analysis, interpretation, and significance of the findings. Peer review helps ensure the quality and validity of the research before publication.

Is all research eligible for Open Access? +

Open Access is applicable to various types of research, including scientific, technical, medical, social sciences, humanities, and more. However, some types of research, such as sensitive or classified information, may have restrictions on immediate Open Access publication.

Can I suggest potential reviewers for my manuscript? +

Some STM journals allow authors to suggest potential reviewers for their manuscript. However, the final decision on the selection of reviewers rests with the journal’s editors. Make sure to follow the journal’s guidelines for providing reviewer suggestions, if applicable.

What is the concept of Provisional paper listing? +

The provisional paper listing denotes the unpublished manuscripts from some potential authors which you can offer for listing with mandatory details such as the paper’s title and author’s name.

What should I do if I disagree with the reviewers’ comments or decision? +

If you disagree with the reviewers’ comments or decision, it is important to carefully evaluate their feedback and consider their perspectives. Address their concerns constructively in your response to the reviewers or the editor. If you believe there are valid grounds for your disagreement, you can provide a well-reasoned response to support your position.

How long does the peer-review process typically take in STM journals? +

The duration of the peer-review process varies among STM journals. It can range from a 20-30days, depending on factors such as the complexity of the research, availability of reviewers, and the efficiency of the Journal’s editorial process. Some journals may offer expedited or rapid review options with shorter timelines.

How long do I have to make the payment? +

Usual credit terms are 30 days from receipt of original invoice. Invoices will be chased periodically, but if after 60 days no payment is received, the author will be contacted. Failure to pay invoices within the stated credit term may result in restrictions placed upon authors’ ability to publish with Journals in the future, involvement of a third party debt collection agency and legal proceedings. In the case of articles that Journals publishes on behalf of partners, the partner organization and, where appropriate, the journal editors may be notified of non-payment and will make a decision on what penalty to levy on the author. However, Journals recognizes that often authors do not pay the APC personally, and if an author’s institution is to pay the APC, it may take some time for an invoice to be paid.

Can I use Open Access articles for commercial purposes? +

The permissions granted by Open Access licenses vary, but many licenses, such as Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY), allow for commercial use. However, it is important to check the specific license terms associated with the Open Access article before using it for commercial purposes.

How can I track the status of my manuscript during the review process? +

STM journals provide a system or platform where authors can track the status of their manuscript during the review process. This may include updates on the progress of the review, reviewer comments, and the final decision. Check the journal’s website or contact the editorial office for information on tracking the status of your manuscript.

How are the Guest Editors recognized in the special issue? +

In order to increase the credibility of special issues, the names of Lead Guest Editor and Guest Editors and other details such as education qualification, work experience, areas of expertise are required to be submitted along with the proposal. These details are directly added to the website of your Special Issue for your convenience.

Journals Library will also offer the login account information to the Lead Guest Editor. Please note that the Lead Guest Editor should be responsible for informing the Guest Editors to complete the personal profile.

Authors are also informed that a special issue should include at least 5 Guest Editors; however there is no maximum limit. Moreover, a special Issue should at least include 4 papers apart from 2 free papers from Lead Guest Editor.

Do the journals have ISSN numbers? +

Yes, various STM journals have unique ISSN numbers. Each journal is assigned an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) for identification purposes. However Many Journal’s ISSN has already been applied and is under review.

How will readers know whether articles are available via open access? +

All open access articles clearly indicate that the article has been published as open access and are marked with Creative Commons licence text.

Are there any Open Access repositories or platforms to find research articles? +

Yes, there are several Open Access repositories and platforms where you can find research articles, such as PubMed Central, arXiv, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), and institutional repositories of universities and research institutions.

How can I identify Open Access articles during my research? +

Many databases and search engines provide filters or advanced search options to specifically look for Open Access content. You can also use the DOAJ website or consult library resources to find Open Access articles in your field of interest.

Are the journals indexed? What type of indexing do they have? +

Yes, our journals are indexed in various databases. The type of indexing may vary depending on the journal. Please visit Journal’s website as the journal’s website usually indicates its access model, Indexing Bodies, ISSN and many other details

What are the benefits and responsibilities of a Special Issue/Lead Guest Editor? +

Benefits to Lead Guest Editor:

  • The Lead Guest Editor gets a chance to polish his/her area of expertise by reviewing a manuscript.
  • The Lead Guest Editor gets updated information about recent developments and research.
  • The Lead Guest Editor avails the chance to interact with a group of experienced researchers and eminent authors around the world.
  • Journals Library provides the flexibility to the Lead Guest Editor to personalize his/her space on the website in their own way.
  • The Lead Guest Editor has an opportunity to be promoted to the Editor-in-Chief of the respective Journal.

Responsibilities of the Lead Guest Editor:

  • The Lead Guest Editor will be solely responsible for developing an expert team for the review and revision of the manuscripts submitted for publication in special issues.
  • The Lead Guest Editors are expected to carry forward the promotional strategy of the special issue which includes inviting prominent authors for submitting breakthrough manuscripts for special issue publication.
  • It is the sole authority of the Lead Guest Editor to accept or reject a manuscript, however he/she is expected to provide reasons for the same.
  • The Lead Guest Editor is expected to check and recheck the quality and scope of the submitted manuscripts in relation to the prominent areas of the concerned Journal.
Are open access articles available in the print format of a journal? +

Where journals publish a print version, open access articles are included in the print journal issue and clearly indicate that the article has been published as open access under a Creative Commons license.

Can I withdraw my manuscript from consideration after submission? +

Yes, it is usually possible to withdraw your manuscript from consideration after submission. However, it is important to communicate your decision promptly to the journal’s editorial office. Keep in mind that any fees paid during the submission process may not be refundable.

Can I make revisions to my manuscript after acceptance? +

After acceptance, you may be given an opportunity to make minor revisions or corrections to your manuscript. However, substantial changes or additions are generally discouraged. It is important to communicate with the editorial office and follow their instructions regarding the revisions.


Can Open Access articles be peer-reviewed? +

Yes, Open Access articles undergo peer review just like articles published in traditional subscription-based journals. Peer review ensures the quality and validity of the research before it is published, regardless of the access model.

Do the journals have DOI numbers? +

Yes, our journals are assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers. DOIs are unique identifiers for digital publications and help ensure persistent access to the articles.

When are APC prices reviewed? +

APC are reviewed annually to ensure our pricing remains consistent and fair for our authors, across our entire open access portfolio. Prices are updated to be reflective of the costs involved in publishing journals, promoting the final research, and the investment being made in improving systems to deliver a superior and sustainable service to the research community. The APC price will usually be determined from the date on which the article is accepted for publication.

How can a Special Issue Editor invite Guest Editors? +

Special Issue/Lead Guest Editors are free to invite Guest Editors from anywhere in the world of scientific community including their colleagues, friends and students, or any other experts who have  the expertise in the relevant field and have the passion to research and write.

What is the Open Access movement? +

The Open Access movement is a global initiative advocating for the free and open availability of scholarly research. It aims to challenge the traditional publishing model and promote the principles of accessibility, transparency, and collaboration in the dissemination of knowledge.

Will a certificate of publication be provided? +

Yes, we provide a certificate of publication to authors upon the successful publication of their articles. The certificate serves as recognition of your contribution to the journal.

Do I have to pay if my manuscript is rejected? +

No, The actual amount of an article processing charge varies depending on the journal in which an article is published. The invoice is sent for article processing charges (APCs) if a manuscript has been accepted for publication. The acceptance of a manuscript is based on the outcome of the Editorial and peer-review procedure. The final decision as to whether a manuscript will be accepted for publication or rejected is made by the Editor-in-Chief of a journal or the Guest Editor of a Special Issue.

What happens if my manuscript is accepted for publication? +

If your manuscript is accepted for publication, the journal’s editorial office will guide you through the publication process. This typically involves proofing, formatting, obtaining copyright permissions, and providing any additional materials requested by the journal.

What are the steps involved in the reviewing process? +
  • Step 1:  The Lead Guest Editors are required to download the manuscript from the online manuscript retrieval system.
  • Step 2: The Lead Guest Editors are expected to review and revise the manuscripts within stipulated time (maximum seven days from the day of downloading of manuscript).
  • Step 3: Lead Guest Editors are required to submit analytical review reports for the respective manuscript.
How are the special issue manuscripts promoted? +

Lead Guest Editors can promote in different ways, such as

  • Putting up an Email Poster, or uploading the special issue in Facebook, twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn.
  • Sending the special issue details to all the contacts with an aim to invite papers.
  • Demonstrating the special issue manuscripts in the conferences the Lead Guest Editor is attending.
  • Captivating on guest editors expertise for promotion of special issues.
Is it possible to make my article Open Access after it has already been published under subscription control? +

Yes, it is possible to make your article open access even if it has initially been published under a subscription-based model. This can be done through a process known as self-archiving or by utilizing the rights granted by the publisher. Self-archiving involves depositing a version of your article, such as the preprint or postprint, in an institutional or subject-based repository, making it freely accessible to the public. Many publishers allow self-archiving with certain conditions, such as an embargo period before the article becomes openly available. It is important to check the specific policies of the publisher regarding self-archiving and open access to ensure compliance. Additionally, some publishers offer options to convert an article to open access retrospectively, either by paying an article processing charge (APC) or through other arrangements. It is advisable to contact the publisher or refer to their website for information on available options to make your article open access.

What is the expected duration for final publication? +

The duration for final publication may vary depending on several factors, including the peer review process, revisions, and the overall workload. Typically, it takes around [insert estimated duration] from the submission of the final revised manuscript to the publication of the article.

I’m trying to pay the invoice online, but I’m getting a payment error. What should I do? +

<p “=”” class=”class=” data-css=”tve-u-1894397c2c3″ tve-droppable”=””>Please check which of the following two problems you are encountering:<p “=”” class=”class=” data-css=”tve-u-1894397c2c4″ tve-droppable”=””>Page does not load at all?

    <li “=”” class=”class=” data-css=”tve-u-1894397c2c5″ tve-droppable”=””>If you are unable to access it at all, could you try once more with a different web browser (if available), or try to disable any Add-ons in your browser which might be blocking the transaction?

Page loads, but after continuing, the payment is not executed after entering the credit card?

  • If the page returns an error after entering the credit card details, your card provider may have blocked the transaction. To resolve this issue, you would need to contact your credit card provider. It might be because of a limit per transaction.

If you are unable to resolve the issue, please see our Article Processing Charges Page for alternative payment options.

What are the actions undertaken if a Special Issue can’t reach the minimum limit of paper amount? +

The authority to confiscate the special issue from the website is reserved, in case the special issue can’t reach the minimum limit of paper amount.

When will I be given the choice to pay a publication charge that will enable my paper to be freely available online? +

Upon acceptance of your paper you will be required to sign a license/consent form to publish online. As part of this process you will be asked to indicate whether you would like to publish your article under an open access license and pay the associated charge.

How can I obtain a copy of my published article? +

Once your article is published, we will provide you with the necessary information to access and download your published article. This may include a link to the journal’s website, where you can find your article, or we may directly provide you with a PDF copy of the published article.

What is the Article Processing Charges for a special issue manuscript? +

The recommended charges for publishing a special issue article is $1000. This will include all the processing charges along with designing, archiving and promotional charges. For more details on APCs you can visit Article Processing Charges Page

How will you ensure that the payment for publication charges by authors has no influence on whether an article is accepted for publication? +

All manuscripts submitted to journals that offer an open access option will continue to be subject to the same rigorous process of editorial consideration and peer review, thereby ensuring that the high standards the community has come to expect from the journal are maintained. In hybrid access journals, the editors of the journal will not be involved in correspondence with authors regarding payment of open access charges for their article. Instead, the author charge system will be administered by the publisher, OUP, only after manuscripts have been accepted for publication. In this way authors should be reassured that their ability to pay publication charges will not influence editorial decisions.

Can we get a waiver/discount on the special issue manuscripts? +

The discount facility will be applicable for Special Issue editors, Guest editors and deserving authors. If any scholar feels that the discounts are not enough, they can directly contact the journal management team through [email protected]

What is the difference between “Free content” and “Open access” content? +

Free content usually consists of editorial material such as tables of contents, covers, advertisements, etc.  These contents are not supported by article processing fees.

Open access content is technical in nature, peer reviewed, supported by article processing fees, and available to all.

What do the terms “green” and “gold” open access refer to? +

Green” open access” refers to the practice of depositing a version of an article in a repository. Usually, that article version is freely accessible to the public. For example, if an author posts the accepted version of his or her NIH-funded article to PubMed Central, that article is said to be available through green open access.

It allows authors to post the accepted (not final) version of their article to their website, employer’s website, or a repository specified by their funding agency. Authors may obtain the accepted version of their article.

“Gold” open access refers to articles that are freely available in their final form. Most gold open access articles are supported by article processing charges (APCs), rather than through subscriptions. APCs may be paid by the author, the author’s institution, or a funding agency.

How to find the upcoming special issues in all the disciplines? +

The Special Issues will be released for all the journals. For updated information on the upcoming Special Issues, please visit the Special Issues page. [https://stmjournals.in/jopc/special-issues/]

Why should authors publish Open access journals? +

It supports all authors and readers globally. That means being able to offer any author a publication venue that is compliant with their circumstances, regardless of their funding status, the publishing mandates they may have in place, or where in the world they may work.

An author may choose to publish in a traditional journal or in a fully open access journal.

There are many benefits of publishing scholarly research. Some reasons why some authors may choose to publish their research through open access depend on the unique circumstances and goals of the individual author. These reasons could include:

  1. Get Published More Quickly –Open access titles follow a rapid yet rigorous peer review process, enabling authors to accelerate the sharing of their work to a broad audience. with the capability to get published in a matter of weeks with select fully open access titles.
  2. Share Your Latest Research with a Wide Audience – Increase exposure and quickly reach millions of global users through the free access to research available immediately to all users.
  3. Satisfy OA Publishing Requirements – Authors using government research funding or university consortium funding may be required to publish in OA journals. Many institutions also encourage their authors to publish OA, and some provide funds to help authors do so.
  4. Multidisciplinary Research Scope – A topic that is inclusive of multiple technologies may be considered out of scope for some journals but might be perfect for a multidisciplinary title.
What are the advantages of the special issue? +

It provides the right and opportunity to the authors, researchers, doctors and individuals to uphold the important designation of Lead Guest Editors through the special issues of the Journals.

The lead guest Editors also get the chance of being promoted to the designation of Editor-in-chief after successful completion of the special issue.

Is there any flow chart for work? +

In order to ensure the hassle-free submission and publication of the manuscripts, we incorporate editorial workflow which can be easily understood through a flowchart. For the work flow chart, please visit Editorial Process page [https://journals.stmjournals.com/open-access-policy/editorial-policy/]

How does Author select open access? +

Our author support team remains contactable via query portal or via the email address authors receive when their paper is accepted for publication. The team is responding to all authors on the same or next working day as usual. Please contact us by email or the query portal in the first instance.

What are the guidelines for submitting a manuscript in a special issue? +

In order to make the submission in the special issue easily understandable, we have segregated it in different stages. Please visit the manuscript submission page. 

How do I contact Author Support? +

Our author support team remains contactable via the query portal or via the email address authors receive when their paper is accepted for publication. The team is responding to all authors on the same or next working day as usual. Please contact us by email or the query portal in the first instance.

What is publication misconduct? +

Publication misconduct includes plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, inappropriate authorship, duplicate submission/multiple submissions, overlapping publication, and salami publication.

How does open access affect research and knowledge? +

Scientific research shows that publishing in open access, because of the worldwide visibility without barriers, demonstrably leads to more citations and more impact. Businesses also have broad access to the most recent scientific ideas, which they can then build upon.

What is a DOI? +

The DOI (digital object identifier) is a string of characters which together uniquely identify a published article. The DOI is permanently assigned to an article, and provides a persistent link to current information about that article, including where the article, or information about it, can be found on the Internet. It enables readers to find the article on the Internet irrespective of any subsequent changes in the website structure, in the management responsibility of the journal in which it was first published, or the location of the website on which the journal is hosted.

For more information about DOIs, see www.doi.org or www.crossref.org.

Can I create a web address to my paper using the DOI? +

To convert a DOI to a web address you need to add a prefix to the DOI. For papers published on STM use the url prefix http://dx.doi.org/

For example, assuming your paper has DOI as follows:


Your web address will then be:


You can use the url string within any documents you write, or you can simply copy and paste it into your browser.

The url will lead to the page where your paper is published on STM