Open Access
Syeda Ayeman Mazhar,
Rubi Anjum,
Ammar Ibne Anwar,
AbdulAziz Khan,
The concept of Tabi’at is unique to Unani system of medicine. It is body’s internal resistance to combat diseases and to fight against infections. Unani system of medicine lay emphasis on the preservation of health based on the concept of Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriya (six essential factors) which affects an individual’s health and general conditions. If these are in harmony then there is health and if the harmony among them is disturbed then the disease may occur. So, in the present paper an emphasis on the role of six essential factors of life for the maintenance of Tabi’at at equilibrium was discussed with scientific paradigm.
Keywords: Unani system of medicine, Hippocrates, Tabiah Mudabbir-e-badan, immunity, hawae muhit, Makool-wo-mashroob, Harkat Wa Sukoon E Badni, Harkat Wa Sukoon E Nafsani, Naum o Yaqza, Ehtebas wa Istifragh.
Syeda Ayeman Mazhar, Rubi Anjum, Ammar Ibne Anwar, AbdulAziz Khan. Reinvigorating Tabi’at Through Immunomodulation Under the Paradigm of Asbab-E-Sitta Zarooriya (The Six Essential Factors): An Analytical Appraisal. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2023; ():-.
Syeda Ayeman Mazhar, Rubi Anjum, Ammar Ibne Anwar, AbdulAziz Khan. Reinvigorating Tabi’at Through Immunomodulation Under the Paradigm of Asbab-E-Sitta Zarooriya (The Six Essential Factors): An Analytical Appraisal. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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Research & Reviews : A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
Volume | |
Received | 22/04/2021 |
Accepted | 22/05/2021 |
Published | 22/05/2023 |