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Total Articles : 3143

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 23-May-2023
ABINAYA . P*, Selvendiran S.G, Surya Raj Kumar,
AbstractValue management plays an important role in the quality, cost, and functionality of any construction project. The article examines the various . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Design and Planning (ijadp)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 23-May-2023
Balasundari A.,
AbstractObjectives: The B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) is a protein that is particularly though to be involved in preventing apoptosis. Bcl-2 family members also . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ijbcb)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 23-May-2023
Priyadharshini Pillai,
AbstractObjective: According to the statistics of year 2022 it was seen that cancer total cases is 14,61,427. After breast cancer, ovarian cancer is the . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Molecular Biotechnological Research (ijmbr)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 23-May-2023
Nyaipriya Devi Sanglakpam,
AbstractObjective: Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks), the target of rapamycin (PI3K/Akt/mTOR, PAM, are a family of enzymes that play a role in the growth, . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Molecular Biotechnological Research (ijmbr)]

Regular Issue  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 23-May-2023
Samreen Naqvi, Taj Mohammad,
AbstractIntroduction: Breastfeeding is an unequalled way of providing ideal food for the healthy growth and development of infants. As per the national family . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Women’s Health Nursing And Practices (ijwhnp)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 17-May-2023
M. Shoikhedbrod,
AbstractThere are many methods for the industrial production of hydrogen, including: steam reforming of methane and natural gas; coal gasification; . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Photobiology (ijp)]

  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 22-May-2023
Gopika Nair*, Sushil Kumar Solanki,
AbstractAs decision-making and goal setting become more challenging due to complexity, there is growing consensus that comprehending complexity is essential . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Design and Planning (ijadp)]

  Subscription Case Study Published on :- 09-May-2023
Mohammad Monis*, Sushil Kumar Solanki,
AbstractBuilding refurbishments include enhancing, upgrading, renovating, retrofitting, and repairing existing structures. The construction sector considers . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Design and Planning (ijadp)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 26-Apr-2023
Arun Serawat, Prashant Sharma, Prakash Singh,
AbstractRecycling construction materials of concrete, steel, and steel scraps is an essential technique to promote sustainable material flow. The restricted . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Polymer and Composites (jopc)]

  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 26-Apr-2023
Prashant Sharma,
AbstractIn the modern world, businesses are responsible for producing a diverse range of waste products. Rice husks and eggshells are two examples of wastes . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Polymer and Composites (jopc)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 25-Apr-2023
Shipra Sayal,
AbstractThere have been multiple statutory instruments for insolvency resolution process in India. These include the Sick Industrial Companies Act, 1985, the . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Banking and Insurance Law (jbil)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 25-Apr-2023
Shetty Manasa Jagadish,
AbstractObjective: Melanoma is thought to be the fifth most frequent cancer in the US population, despite cancer being the most common cause of death in the . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ijbcb)]

  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 25-Apr-2023
Govardhan R,
AbstractObjectives: In the present research, the network pharmacology process was applied to determine the underlying mechanism of the pharmacological . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Molecular Biotechnological Research (ijmbr)]

Regular Issue  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 25-Apr-2023
Harsimran Kaur Hora,
AbstractObjective: Lymphangitic carcinomatosis (LC) is a tumor that spreads through lung lymphatics and is most commonly seen secondary to adenocarcinoma. In . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ijbcb)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 25-Apr-2023
Megha M,
AbstractObjective: Hyperglycemia brought on by an absolute or relative absence of insulin synthesis or action characterises a set of illnesses known as . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ijbcb)]

Regular Issue  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 24-Apr-2023
Keerthana S,
AbstractObjective: A leading cause of illness is the contagious disease tuberculosis (TB), this infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Molecular Biotechnological Research (ijmbr)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 24-Apr-2023
V Shivaranjani,
AbstractObjective: In order to find prospective molecular targets for the treatment of Good Pasteur Syndrome (GPS), a rare autoimmune disease that affects the . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ijbcb)]

Regular Issue  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 24-Apr-2023
Nidhi Premanand Honavar,
AbstractObjective: Prostate cancer being the second major cause of cancer related deaths in males, affects the small walnut shaped gland below the bladder . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Molecular Biotechnological Research (ijmbr)]

  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 30-Mar-2023
Mohtashim Ahmad Siddiqui*, Luke Judson, Sushil Kumar Solanki,
AbstractIn broad sense, the word “rehabilitation” suggested putting a building back to how it was before. The specialized area of repair and rehabilitation . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Design and Planning (ijadp)]

Regular Issue  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 27-Mar-2023
K.S. Ravi Teja, Rinku Polachirakkal Varghese, G. Sai Lakshmi, R. Jahnavi, V.Harshavardhani, A. Ranganadha Reddy,
AbstractVaccines prevent infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria saving millions of lives.It consists of certain agents that resemble disease . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ijbcb)]

Total: 598

Open Access
Usage of Call Establishment Procedures in the Communications Industry
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Signaling protocol, Ciphering mode setting, IMEI Check, TMSI-Reallocation, Call initiation, MTSO, RR
Participating Journals: International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication
Open Access
Multiple-input and multiple-output Relay Channels and their channel estimation
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Relays, MIMO, Uplink, Antennas, Vectors, Signal-to-noise ratio, Antenna arrays, Decoding, MIMO
Participating Journals: International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication
Open Access
Introduction to Channel Capacity in Broadbands
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Noisy-channel coding theorem, Shannon–Hartley theorem, Broadband communication, Channel capacity,
Participating Journals: International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication
Open Access
Using Multi-User MIMO System for 5G Network
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Massive MIMO, Beamforming, Channel estimation, Terahertz spectrum, Millimeter waves, Pilot
Participating Journals: International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication
Open Access
Using multi-hop networks for making devices that consume less energy
Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Medium Access Control, Relay Node, Transmission Control Protocol, Channel Assignment, Wireless Mesh
Participating Journals: International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication
  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Anas Ansari,Divya Kundan,Harsh Mishra,

[This section belongs to International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications (ijaba)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Vásquez E.F.,

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology (rrjobt)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Irfat Ara,Mehrukh Zehravi,Mudasir Maqbool,Imran Gani,

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions (rrjohp)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

K Akinlolu,

[This section belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis (jocc)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Kamlesh Gade,

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Heritage (ijah)]

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