Advertising Policy

Advertising Policy outlines guidelines and rules for advertising content and practices on a platform or website, ensuring transparency and compliance with ethical standards. It defines the criteria for acceptable advertisements and the consequences of policy violations.

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Article Processing Charge

An Article Processing Charge (APC) is a fee paid by authors or their institutions to cover the costs associated with the publication of their research in open-access journals. This charge ensures that the published articles are freely accessible to the public.

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Article Sharing

Article sharing is an important aspect of scientific communication that allows researchers to disseminate their findings to a wider audience. It also enables collaboration and further research in the same field. At the same time, article sharing must be done in an ethical and responsible manner. In this section, we will discuss the guidelines for article sharing.

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Article Withdrawal Policy

Sometimes distinct from the Correction and Retraction Policy, this policy could detail the specific conditions under which an article might be withdrawn from the Journal post-publication.

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Corrections and Retractions Policy

While performing responsible research and reporting accurate content in the publishing of medical information, the author’s due diligence and academic honesty play an important factor.
It is presumed that manuscripts provide honest and accurate documentation of honest observations.

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Distribution and dessemination of Research

Distribution and dissemination of research involves the strategic sharing of scholarly findings to reach a broader audience, fostering knowledge exchange and impact. This process ensures that research reaches its intended audience and contributes to the advancement of science and society.

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Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy outlines the guidelines and principles that govern content creation, ensuring accuracy, fairness, and adherence to established standards.

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Editorial Roles

Editorial Policy outlines the guidelines and principles that govern content creation, ensuring accuracy, fairness, and adherence to established standards.

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Hybrid Publication

Hybrid Publishing is a publishing model that combines traditional subscription-based publishing with open access publishing. This model allows authors to choose whether they want to make their articles freely available to readers by paying an article processing fee.

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Information for Advisory Board

Information for the Advisory Board contains profiles and qualifications of the board members who offer expertise and guidance to support strategic decisions and initiatives of an organization.

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Information for Authors

Under the Information for Author, find comprehensive instructions on manuscript preparation and submission, as well as the publication’s ethical and copyright guidelines.

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Information for Editors

Information for Editor outlines the eligibility, benefits, and responsibilities for various editorial roles, ensuring high quality and adherence to ethical principles in written and editorial work.

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Information for Reviewers

Information for Reviewer outlines the expectations and rules that reviewers must follow when evaluating and providing feedback on submitted content or materials, ensuring a fair and consistent review process.

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Informed consent Policy

The Informed Consent Policy outlines the ethical guidelines and procedures that ensure individuals voluntarily and comprehensively understand the risks and benefits before participating in any research or medical procedure. It serves as a safeguard to protect participants’ rights and autonomy.

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Journal Publishing Models

Authors submitting primary research articles in the STM field have several options for publishing their research. These options include:

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Manuscript Submission and Processing

Manuscript Guidelines provide essential instructions for authors on formatting, structure, and submission requirements to ensure their written work meets publication standards.

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Open Access Publication

Open Access Policy provides guidelines and principles governing the unrestricted availability of research and academic content to the public. It outlines how information is made freely accessible, fostering knowledge dissemination and collaboration.

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Peer-Review Policy

Peer-Review Policy section provides details on the rigorous evaluation process that scholarly articles undergo before publication, ensuring the quality and credibility of the research. It outlines the criteria, procedures, and standards followed by experts in the field to assess and validate the content.

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Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy outlines guidelines and consequences related to the unauthorized use of others’ work in academic or professional settings. It aims to promote originality and uphold ethical standards in research and writing.

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Pricing Policy


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Publication Ethics and Virtue

Publication Ethics and Virtues refer to the set of principles and moral values that guide responsible and ethical conduct in the dissemination of research and scholarly work. This framework ensures transparency, integrity, and accountability in the publication process.

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Special Issue Guidelines

Special Issue Guidelines contain detailed instructions and requirements for authors and editors to follow when preparing and submitting articles for a focused and themed publication within a Journal or Special Issue.

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STM Website and Link Policy

STM Website and Link Policy outlines guidelines for website content and external link usage, ensuring a consistent and reliable online experience.

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Traditional Subscription-Based Publication

Traditional Subscription-Based Publishing refers to the model where readers are required to pay a subscription fee to access the content of a journal or publication. This model has been the predominant method of publishing in the academic world for many decades.

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Transformative Publishing

Transformative publishing, also known as transformative agreements, is a publishing model that aims to accelerate the transition from subscription-based publishing to fully open access publishing. This model is designed to encourage publishers and institutions to work together to achieve a sustainable and equitable open access publishing ecosystem.

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