A Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Legal Aspects of Road Safety Among College Students in a Selected College, Kottayam

Year : 2024 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 03 | Page : 1-5

    Arun G. Plathottam,

  • Jibin Raju P.,

  • Jamie Marie Thomas,

  • Jani Baby,

  • Janitta Teny,

  • Jenet Maria Joseph,

  • Jereena Annamma Abraham,

  • Jills Joy,

  • Jilu Jose,

  1. Associate Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India
  2. Student, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India
  3. Student, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India
  4. Student, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India
  5. Student, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India
  6. Student, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India
  7. Student, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India
  8. Student, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India
  9. Student, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Caritas College of Nursing, Kerala, India


The present study was conducted in Ettumanoorappan College, Ettumanoor, and St. Thomas College, Pala to assess the knowledge regarding legal aspects of road safety among college students. The study aimed to evaluate the level of knowledge concerning legal aspects of road safety among college students and to explore any associations between this knowledge and selected demographic variables. A convenience sampling method was employed to select 202 participants, and data collection was facilitated through a structured questionnaire. A pilot study was carried out at BCM College to assess the study’s feasibility. Data collection occurred between the dates of 02/08/2023 and 04/08/2023. The data underwent analysis using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Analysis reveals that 47.5% of college students have good knowledge, 47% have average knowledge and 5.4% have poor knowledge regarding legal aspects of road safety. The present study identified a significant association between the level of knowledge and various demographic variables, including age, gender, possession of a driver’s license, type of vehicle driven, participation in road safety classes, and attitudes toward the latest Motor Vehicles Act (MVD Act). However, no association was found between the level of knowledge and the variables of accidents met or road safety violations. The findings of the study have implications for nursing education and nursing research. Road traffic accidents have a high prevalence rate in society which may cause a high incidence of head injury and other related health problems in people. Therefore, nurses must play a crucial role in spreading this information to the public.

Keywords: Legal aspects, road safety, college students, knowledge, accidents met and violation

[This article belongs to Journal of Nursing Science & Practice (jonsp)]

How to cite this article:
Arun G. Plathottam, Jibin Raju P., Jamie Marie Thomas, Jani Baby, Janitta Teny, Jenet Maria Joseph, Jereena Annamma Abraham, Jills Joy, Jilu Jose. A Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Legal Aspects of Road Safety Among College Students in a Selected College, Kottayam. Journal of Nursing Science & Practice. 2024; 14(03):1-5.
How to cite this URL:
Arun G. Plathottam, Jibin Raju P., Jamie Marie Thomas, Jani Baby, Janitta Teny, Jenet Maria Joseph, Jereena Annamma Abraham, Jills Joy, Jilu Jose. A Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Legal Aspects of Road Safety Among College Students in a Selected College, Kottayam. Journal of Nursing Science & Practice. 2024; 14(03):1-5. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jonsp/article=2024/view=191989


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 03
Received 04/08/2024
Accepted 09/09/2024
Published 29/09/2024

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