Journal Suggester(public Search)

Total: 314

4793f2ab machine design and manufacturing
International Journal of Machine Design and Manufacturing ijmdm

Subject: Applied Mechanics

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

18564b65 ijmsmt
International Journal of Machine Systems and Manufacturing Technology ijmsmt

Subject: Applied Mechanics

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

Manufacture System and Design
International Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing ijmmp

Subject: Mechanical Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar, Index Copernicus

6387174c international journal of manufacturing and production engineering
International Journal of Manufacturing and Production Engineering ijmpe

Subject: Mechanical Engineering

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

a2febc0a international journal of marine life
International Journal of Marine Life ijml

Subject: Life Sciences

Since: 2024

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)


Mechanical Dynamics Analysis
International Journal of Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis ijmda

Subject: Applied Mechanics

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

e0766e92 mechanical dynamics and systems analysis 1
International Journal of Mechanical Dynamics and Systems Analysis ijmdsa

Subject: Applied Mechanics

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

Mechanical Handling and Automation
International Journal of Mechanical Handling and Automation ijmha

Subject: Mechanical Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

Mechanics and Design
International Journal of Mechanics and Design ijmd

Subject: Mechanical Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Advanced Science Index (ASI), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus

International Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing ijmsn

Subject: Nursing

Since: 2018

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar, Journal TOCs

6affe892 international journal of membrane
International Journal of Membranes ijm

Subject: Medical Sciences

Since: 2024

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)


8f12bf73 metallurgy and alloys scaled
International Journal of Metallurgy and Alloys ijma

Subject: Material Science

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Advanced Science Index (ASI), Google Scholar, Journal TOCs

Microelectronics and Digital integrated circuits
International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits ijmdic

Subject: Electrical Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

99b5d189 ijmet
International Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technology ijmet

Subject: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar, Journal TOCs, SJIF

20dd2ed5 midwifery nursing 1
International Journal of Midwifery Nursing And Practices ijmnp

Subject: Nursing

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar, Journal TOCs

b41c12ff international journal of mineral
International Journal of Mineral ijmi

Subject: Chemistry

Since: 2024

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)


Mobile Computing Devices
International Journal of Mobile Computing Devices ijmcd

Subject: Computer/IT

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Advanced Science Index (ASI), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Google Scholar

8a793490 international journal of mobile computing technology scaled
International Journal of Mobile Computing Technology ijmct

Subject: Computer/IT

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Advanced Science Index (ASI), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Google Scholar

522339c9 molecular biotechnological research
International Journal of Molecular Biotechnological Research ijmbr

Subject: Bio Technology

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Genamics, Google Scholar

Molecular Biotechnology
International Journal of Molecular Biotechnology ijmb

Subject: Bio Technology

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Genamics, Google Scholar