Journal Suggester(public Search)

Total: 314

86553962 distributed computing technology scaled
International Journal of Distributed Computing and Technology ijdct

Subject: Computer/IT

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Advanced Science Index (ASI), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus

8a4c04fb education sciences scaled
International Journal of Education Sciences ijes

Subject: Education and Social Sciences

Since: 2024

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)


e66c6c77 electrical communication engineering 1 01
International Journal of Electrical and Communication Engineering Technology ijecet

Subject: Electrical Engineering

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

c198622a ijece
International Journal of Electrical Communication Engineering ijece

Subject: Electrical Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

f0836974 international journal of electrical machine analysis and design 3 01
International Journal of Electrical Machine Analysis and Design ijemad

Subject: Electrical Engineering

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

International Journal of Electrical Machines and Drives ijemd

Subject: Electrical Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

e91e4e76 international journal of electrical power and machine systems 2 01
International Journal of Electrical Power and Machine Systems ijepms

Subject: Electrical Engineering

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

Electrical Power System and Technology 1
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology ijepst

Subject: Electrical Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

d69209ac ijemmb
International Journal of Electro Mechanics and Mechanical Behaviour ijemmb

Subject: Applied Mechanics

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

4e6386b6 electro mechanics and material behavior 2
International Journal of Electro-Mechanics and Material Behaviour ijemb

Subject: Applied Mechanics

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

739b9d74 international journal of electronics automation
International Journal of Electronics Automation ijea

Subject: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

Embedded Systems and Emerging Technologies
International Journal of Embedded Systems and Emerging Technologies ijeset

Subject: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Index Copernicus, Journal TOCs

e6c10a38 emergency and trauma nursing
International Journal of Emergency and Trauma Nursing and Practices ijetnp

Subject: Nursing

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar, Journal TOCs

Energetic Materials
International Journal of Energetic Materials ijem

Subject: Material Science

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Advanced Science Index (ASI), Country Rank, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Journal TOCs, Scimago Journal

7a062f95 international journal of energy and thermal applications
International Journal of Energy and Thermal Applications ijeta

Subject: Mechanical Engineering

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Google Scholar, Indian Science Abstract, SSRN

95bf38b2 ijec 1
International Journal of Environmental Chemistry ijec

Subject: Chemistry

Since: 2015

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Advanced Science Index (ASI), Google Scholar, Journal TOCs

6e124e45 environmental noise and pollution control 1
International Journal of Environmental Noise and Pollution Control ijenpc

Subject: Mechanical Engineering

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

180a0a17 international journal of environmental planning and development architecture scaled
International Journal of Environmental Planning and Development Architecture ijepda

Subject: Architecture

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Google Scholar

bedbce85 ijebnp
International Journal of Evidence Based Nursing And Practices ijebnp

Subject: Nursing

Since: 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)

Indexing: Advanced Science Index (ASI), Google Scholar, Journal TOCs

d5607302 international journal of forest sciences
International Journal of Forest Sciences ijfs

Subject: Applied Sciences

Since: 2024

Peer-Reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)
