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Focus and Scope

About the Journal

International Journal on Drones is a peer-reviewed open-access journal launched in 2024 that focuses on the latest developments, research, and applications related to drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, practitioners, and students to publish high-quality papers on topics related to drones.

The scope of the journal includes both theoretical and practical aspects of drone technology. The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, case studies, and technical notes that present new findings and insights in the field of drones. Manuscripts that focus on innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to drone technology are highly encouraged.

Focus and Scope

  • Drone design, development, and control: Drone design, drone development, drone control, unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs, quadcopters, rotorcraft, fixed-wing drones, drone propulsion, drone navigation, drone autonomy, drone stability, drone sensors, drone payloads, drone communication, drone software, drone hardware, drone testing, drone simulation, drone prototyping.
  • Drone applications in agriculture, forestry, environment, and wildlife conservation: Drone agriculture, precision agriculture, crop monitoring, crop mapping, plant counting, plant health analysis, soil mapping, irrigation management, forestry management, forest health monitoring, tree counting, tree height measurement, forest fire monitoring, environmental monitoring, pollution tracking, climate change monitoring, wildlife tracking, wildlife census, anti-poaching efforts, habitat monitoring, marine mammal monitoring, marine conservation, ocean monitoring, coastline mapping.
  • Drone-based sensing and data acquisition: Drone sensing, drone data acquisition, remote sensing, aerial photography, photogrammetry, LiDAR, hyperspectral imaging, thermal imaging, multispectral imaging, SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar), aerial surveying, topographic mapping, 3D mapping, point clouds, data fusion, data processing, data analysis, machine learning, computer vision, object detection, anomaly detection, change detection, feature extraction, image classification.
  • Drone-based delivery and logistics: Drone delivery, drone logistics, last-mile delivery, e-commerce delivery, medical delivery, emergency response, disaster relief, package delivery, cargo transport, urban air mobility, air traffic management, flight planning, route optimization, drone fleet management, drone charging, drone docking, autonomous drones, delivery drones, cargo drones, drone swarms, drone airspace integration, regulatory frameworks.
  • Drone-based communication networks and Swarm intelligence: Drone communication networks, drone swarms, swarm intelligence, swarm robotics, swarm algorithms, flocking behavior, collective decision-making, decentralized control, distributed systems, wireless communication, mesh networks, ad hoc networks, multi-agent systems, mission planning, coordination, synchronization, network topology, routing, security, privacy, reliability, scalability.
  • Drone safety, security, and regulations: Drone safety, drone security, drone regulations, drone laws, privacy, cyber security, physical security, safety management, risk assessment, safety guidelines, safety protocols, safety procedures, safety standards, safety training, safety certification, airworthiness, flight safety, safety culture, safety awareness, safety audits, safety inspections, safety incident reporting, safety investigations, no-fly zones, restricted airspace, flight restrictions, identification and tracking, counter-drone measures.
  • Drone-human interaction and social aspects of drones: Drone-human interaction, human factors, user-centered design, user experience, drone perception, public acceptance, social impact, ethical considerations, privacy concerns, noise pollution, visual pollution, aesthetics, cultural differences, user behavior, user feedback, stakeholder engagement, community involvement, educational programs, public outreach, drone journalism, artistic expression, recreation, leisure activities, sports competitions, entertainment.
  • Keywords:
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Drone design and development
  • Drone control and autonomy
  • Drone applications in agriculture, forestry, environment, and wildlife conservation
  • Drone-based sensing and data acquisition
  • Drone-based delivery and logistics
  • Drone-based communication networks and swarm intelligence
  • Drone safety, security, and regulations
  • Drone-human interaction and social aspects of drones
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning for drones
  • Computer vision and image processing for drones
  • Navigation and localization for drones
  • Sensor Fusion and Perception for Drones
  • Multi-robot systems and swarm robotics
  • Drone experimentation, testing, and validation
  • Real-world deployments and case studies
  • Emerging trends and future directions in drone technology and applications.