Journal Menu
Editors Overview
josettt maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.Publications
Animal Gastrointestinal Tract in Animals Health
[This section belongs to International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications (ijaba)]
The Pre-domestic Approach: Insights from Capsicum pubescens and Gallus gallus Essays
[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology (rrjobt)]
Teen Pregnancy in the Event of a Pandemic: A short commentary
[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions (rrjohp)]
Zeolite-Y Encapsulated Copper (II) and Cobalt (II) Species as Hybrid Nano-catalysts: Structural and Catalytic Aspects
[This section belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis (jocc)]
Sea Level Rise and Its Impacts on Indian Coastal Cultural Heritage: Climate Change Threats to Unique Built and Unbuilt Cultural Heritage
[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Heritage (ijah)]
Synthesis and Evaluation of New Coumarin Derivatives for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Against DSS-Induced Acute Ulcerative Colitis Mice Model
[This section belongs to Journal of Modern Chemistry & Chemical Technology (jomcct)]
Ayurvedic Management of Aplastic Anemia (Tridoshaj Pandu)
[This section belongs to Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (joayush)]
Using of Rat Model Over Other Species: A Review
[This section belongs to International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications (ijaba)]
The Ashokan Minor Rock Edict in Bahapur, Delhi
[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Heritage (ijah)]
Cyber Security Evaluation for a Petroleum Refinery Using Attack Tree Methodology and Economic Indexes
[This section belongs to Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering (etce)]
Trends and Latest Developments in Industrial Biotechnology
[This section belongs to International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials (ijibb)]
Synthesis of Green Nanoparticles for Degradation of Cellulose
[This section belongs to Journal of Modern Chemistry & Chemical Technology (jomcct)]
Design of Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering
[This section belongs to International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials (ijibb)]
Short Review on Indoor Farming a Future of the Country
[This section belongs to International Journal of Agro-chemistry (ija)]
Thilafushi a Toxic Bomb: Learning from an Island’s SWM Practice
[This section belongs to International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning (ijaip)]
The Practical Use of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Film for Development of New Technologies
[This section belongs to Journal of Thin Films, Coating Science Technology & Application (jotcsta)]
COVID-19: Nija or Agantuj Roga, Ayurvedic Perspective
[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions (rrjohp)]
The Bhojpur Temple-an Ancient Mystery of Architectural Construction
[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Heritage (ijah)]
Modeling and Simulation of Effectiveness of Stripper and Absorber in the Desulphurization and Deammonization of Sour Water
[This section belongs to International Journal of Environmental Chemistry (ijec)]
Crosslinked Starch Polymer for Coating on Fruit/Vegetable for Preservation Derived from Waste De-Oiled Soybean Cake
[This section belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis (jocc)]