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  • Discover the Latest in Nutritional Science with the International Journal of Nutritions

STM Journals

Published on May 21, 2024

Discover the Latest in Nutritional Science with the International Journal of Nutritions

Are you a researcher or professional in the field of nutrition? The International Journal of Nutritions (IJN) is your ideal destination for publishing innovative and impactful research. Established in 2024, IJN is dedicated to advancing knowledge in nutritional science, providing a platform for high-quality original research, reviews, and meta-analyses.

Why Choose IJN?

Wide-Ranging Topics: IJN covers an extensive array of subjects within nutritional science. Whether your focus is on dietary supplements, exercise nutrition, or the nutritional needs of specific populations, IJN is the perfect venue to showcase your work.

Biannual Publications: The journal publishes two issues per year, ensuring a steady stream of the latest research findings. This schedule helps keep the nutrition community informed about recent advancements and emerging trends.

High-Quality Peer Review: Each manuscript submitted to IJN undergoes a rigorous peer-review process, guaranteeing that only top-notch research is published. Our editorial board consists of experts in various areas of nutrition, ensuring that your work is evaluated by knowledgeable professionals.

Diverse Manuscript Types: IJN accepts a variety of manuscript types, including original research articles, comprehensive reviews, and insightful meta-analyses. This diversity allows researchers to present their findings in the most effective format.

Key Areas of Focus

Dietary Supplements: Explore the latest studies on the benefits, risks, and regulatory aspects of dietary supplements. This includes their impact on health and performance enhancement.

Exercise Nutrition: Delve into research on nutrition strategies to optimize physical performance and recovery. Understand how different nutrients influence exercise outcomes and overall health.

Nutritional Requirements: Investigate the specific nutritional needs of various populations, from athletes to individuals with chronic diseases, and how these requirements change across different life stages.

Metabolism and Health: Examine how nutrients influence metabolic pathways and overall health. Studies in this area can lead to better understanding and management of metabolic disorders.

Functional Foods: Learn about foods that offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition. This includes research on bioactive compounds, probiotics, and their potential to prevent or manage diseases.

Nutrition in Space: Understand the unique nutritional challenges faced by astronauts. Research in this area is crucial for long-duration space missions and the health of space travelers.

Submission and Review Process

Submitting your manuscript to IJN is a straightforward process. Detailed submission guidelines and manuscript templates are available on the journal’s website. Once submitted, your manuscript will undergo a thorough peer-review process to ensure it meets the highest standards of scientific rigor and relevance.

Join a Prestigious Community

By publishing with IJN, you join a prestigious community of researchers dedicated to advancing the field of nutritional science. Your work will contribute to significant scientific discussions and innovations that impact public health and nutrition policy.

Don’t miss the opportunity to share your research with a global audience. Submit your manuscript to the International Journal of Nutritions today and contribute to the future of nutritional science!

Industry Information and References

  • Leading Institutions: Prominent institutions like the American Society for Nutrition and the International Union of Nutritional Sciences support research in this field.
  • Market Data: The global market for dietary supplements is projected to reach $230 billion by 2027, driven by increasing health consciousness and demand for functional foods.
  • Career Opportunities: Careers in nutritional science are expanding, with opportunities in research, healthcare, and the food industry. Companies like Nestlé, Danone, and Abbott are frequently seeking skilled nutritionists and researchers.

For more information and to submit your manuscript, visit the International Journal of Nutritions.


Journal TitleWebsite URLJournal FeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
International Journal of NutritionsIJNPeer-reviewed, Online, High Impact FactorFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript

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