Regulations and Standards in the Dairy Industry

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Tuba Iram,

  1. Student Department of Food Science and Technology, Sam Higgin Bottom University of Agriculture Science and Technology, Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh India


The dairy industry is a vital component of the global food system, providing essential nutrients to millions of people worldwide. This article offers a comprehensive overview of the regulatory landscape governing dairy products, focusing on quality standards, labeling requirements, and international trade regulations. Quality standards, established by key organizations such as Codex Alimentarius and the International Dairy Federation, ensure that dairy products meet specific criteria for fat and protein content, as well as microbial safety. Labeling requirements, enforced by regulatory bodies like the FDA in the USA and FSSAI in India, mandate accurate disclosure of ingredients, nutritional information, and potential allergens, facilitating informed consumer choices and safeguarding public health. Safety standards and testing procedures, such as pasteurization and HACCP, are essential for preventing contamination and ensuring the safety of dairy products. Governmental and non-governmental organizations, such as the USDA and EFSA, are instrumental in enforcing these standards and addressing safety breaches. The article also explores the complexities of international trade regulations, highlighting the impact of agreements and organizations like the WTO on the dairy industry. Tariffs, quotas, and non-tariff barriers significantly influence global dairy trade, with case studies such as New Zealand’s dairy exports illustrating these effects. Moreover, the article delves into the regulatory challenges and opportunities faced by the dairy industry. Small and medium-sized producers face significant compliance challenges due to diverse and constantly changing regulations. However, these challenges also create opportunities for innovation and enhancement within the regulatory landscape. As the global trade environment and sustainability considerations continue to shape the future of dairy regulations, staying informed and compliant is essential for industry stakeholders.

Keywords: Dairy Industry, dairy regulations, HACCP, dairy products, pathogens

How to cite this article: Tuba Iram. Regulations and Standards in the Dairy Industry. Research & Reviews : Journal of Dairy Science & Technology. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Tuba Iram. Regulations and Standards in the Dairy Industry. Research & Reviews : Journal of Dairy Science & Technology. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received August 2, 2024
Accepted August 22, 2024
Published August 27, 2024

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