Zainab Abd Ameer Mohammed,
Nada Mohammed Reda Jaafar,
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, College of Education for Girls, University of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, College of Education for Girls, University of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq
The study included the identification of some active chemical compounds from blue-green algae Ulothrix and the production of many active compounds using algae extract. Algae are a talented cause of defiant corpulence mediators, as plump positions are an international hazard to human wellbeing. It is also linked to metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and blood vessels, anti-obesity agents from algae are represented by four main compounds with (Phlorotannins, Fucoidans, Alginates, Fucoxanthin), therapeutic discipline has a notorious quantity of composite celluloses with exceptional chemical possessions. For example, certain algal cuttings have antiviral and anti-lump belongings. The extraordinary integrity gratified of red algae earnings is also beneficial in refining absorption. Red algae are regularly occupied as a nutritional addition, though its rank as a “super-nourishment” is indeterminate subsequently it has not been exposed to improve standard purpose. Blue-green algae are castoff as a foundation of dietary protein, B-vitamins, and iron. Health discipline has recognized a quantity of complex sugars with exceptional chemical possessions. For instance, convinced algal cuttings have antiviral and anti-growth assets. The extraordinary backbone pleased of inflamed algae resources; it is also expedient in educating absorption. Red algae are normally engaged as a nutritive appendage, yet its position as a “super-food” is uncertain since it has not been revealed to advance standard occupation. Cerulean-lime algae are secondhand as a foundation of dietary protein, B-vitamins, and iron. The active chemical compounds were extracted from the moss using ethanol and using an L device, the compounds with the highest percentage of Ulothrix were identified and the active compounds in Soxhlet moss were identified acetic acid, which has a molecular weight of 282.34%, was among other identified compounds, which appeared with a detention time of (7.725) minutes and an occupancy rate of 3.01%, but less C14H25F and its partial formula is 302. The molecular weight of the identified compounds was 266.513 and the molecular formula of the nonacosane compounds was 10%, which appeared with a detention time of 9.94 minutes and occupied a percentage of 34.156 C29H6O
Keywords: Algae, nonacosane, Ulothrix, extract, C29H6O, xanthophylls
[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology (rrjobt)]
Zainab Abd Ameer Mohammed, Nada Mohammed Reda Jaafar. Detection of Active Compounds in Ulothrix sp. Algae. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology. 2024; 14(03):39-43.
Zainab Abd Ameer Mohammed, Nada Mohammed Reda Jaafar. Detection of Active Compounds in Ulothrix sp. Algae. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology. 2024; 14(03):39-43. Available from:
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Research and Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology
Volume | 14 |
Issue | 03 |
Received | 06/08/2024 |
Accepted | 28/08/2024 |
Published | 04/10/2024 |