Kuldeep Jaiswal,
Sunil Kumar Shah,
- 1M. Tech. Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gyan Ganga College of Technology, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gyan Ganga College of Technology, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
A real-time embedded system must now manage many programs running concurrently. Increased Data Rate Because of its burst access, speed, and pipeline features, synchronous DRAM is a typical memory-building material. DDR transfers are performed using synchronous dynamic access memory. The memory controller must be set with a pipelined design for various applications and systems to perform effectively. The purpose of this study is to design a DRAM controller that will allow for quick data interfacing between the main CPU and main memory. This is accomplished using an innovative Super Harvard parallel data, program, and instruction interface. This is a common digital design approach in which an instruction or data is processed in four phases. Coarse-grain FPGAs are tuned for certain tasks. The use of a vertex coarse-grain FPGA indicates that the design has been tuned for certain vertex processing workloads, which may result in a size reduction. This suggests that your design employs a range of modelling approaches or architectures, maybe for flexibility or optimization in dealing with various processing components. The design and construction of a DDR SDRAM controller optimized for design area consumption. Our major goal is to communicate with processing devices at fast speeds while using as few resources as possible. To improve performance, the suggested controller employs complicated techniques such as pipelining and optimization for a specific processing device interface. The architecture makes full use of the DDR SDRAM interface, making use of double data rate capabilities to boost data transmission speeds. The controller features a specific pipelining structure to enhance resource use and assure effective data processing at all levels. The Integrated Software Environment is used to model the DDR SDRAM controller architecture. Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) is a well-known digital design language. Xilinx EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools like the Integrated Software Environment (ISE) are widely used for FPGA design and verification. When you use ISE for verification, you are verifying the correctness of your design before FPGA implementation via simulation and testing.
Keywords: FPGA, DDR, DRAM, High-Speed Interfacing, Pipelining, Area Optimization, Verilog HDL, Xilinx EDA, Integrated Software Environment (ISE).
[This article belongs to Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology (jovdtt)]
Kuldeep Jaiswal, Sunil Kumar Shah. Study and analysis of the Double Data Rate SDRAM Controller for High-speed Interfacing with Processing Device. Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology. 2024; 14(01):8-13.
Kuldeep Jaiswal, Sunil Kumar Shah. Study and analysis of the Double Data Rate SDRAM Controller for High-speed Interfacing with Processing Device. Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology. 2024; 14(01):8-13. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jovdtt/article=2024/view=148106
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Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology
Volume | 14 |
Issue | 01 |
Received | 16/05/2024 |
Accepted | 23/05/2024 |
Published | 28/05/2024 |