komathi v,
- Principal, Akansha Institute of Nursing, New Delhi, India
This study investigates the efficacy of acupressure in mitigating pain perception among adolescent girls experiencing primary dysmenorrhea. Conducted at a chosen Government Higher Secondary School in Chennai, the research aims to contribute valuable insights into non-pharmacological interventions for managing menstrual pain in young girls. A quantitative research methodology will be utilized, employing a pre-post experimental design to evaluate the influence of acupressure on the perception of pain. The sample will consist of adolescent girls currently grappling with primary dysmenorrhea, drawn from the selected Government Higher Secondary School. The participants will be subjected to an organized acupressure intervention, and their pain perception will be measured before and after the application of acupressure techniques. The research will employ standard pain assessment tools to collect data, ensuring the reliability and validity of the results. Through statistical analysis, the study aims to ascertain whether acupressure significantly reduces pain perception in adolescent girls with primary dysmenorrhea. The findings of this research hold potential implications for improving the well-being of adolescent girls by offering a non-pharmacological approach to managing menstrual pain. Furthermore, the study may contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting the integration of alternative therapies, such as acupressure, into conventional healthcare practices for the benefit of this specific demographic
Keywords: acupressure, non-pharmacological, menstrual pain, adolescent girls, dysmenorrhea
[This article belongs to Journal of Nursing Science & Practice (jonsp)]
komathi v. Evaluating the Efficacy of Acupressure in Alleviating Pain Perception in Adolescent Girls with Primary Dysmenorrhoea: A Study at Selected Government Higher Secondary Schools in Chennai. Journal of Nursing Science & Practice. 2024; 14(01):-.
komathi v. Evaluating the Efficacy of Acupressure in Alleviating Pain Perception in Adolescent Girls with Primary Dysmenorrhoea: A Study at Selected Government Higher Secondary Schools in Chennai. Journal of Nursing Science & Practice. 2024; 14(01):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jonsp/article=2024/view=144737
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Journal of Nursing Science & Practice
Volume | 14 |
Issue | 01 |
Received | 02/03/2024 |
Accepted | 26/04/2024 |
Published | 30/04/2024 |