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Open Access
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Davendra Singh Kushwaha
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- [foreach 286] [if 1175 not_equal=””]n t
- Student, Department of Library and Information Science Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
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n[/if 2099][if 2099 equals=”Yes”][/if 2099]n
nA library is a living, breathing entity. Because of the advancement of the Internet and new information technology, library and information workers now have tremendous potential. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), the pinnacle of ubiquitous computer technology, has long been the talk of the town and is employed by a variety of organizations, including libraries and information centers. RFID is a cutting-edge automated library technology that automatically identifies and tracks library goods. RFID technology aids in inventory management, detecting lost things, and identifying misplaced items. It also specifies the necessary fundamental and optional components for the exercise to function properly. RFID is the most modern library theft detection technology, and it is now being employed by many libraries and information centers. It combines radio frequency technology with microprocessor technology. The efficiency benefits that this technology can provide libraries are not to be underestimated. The document outlines the system’s fundamental and optional components, as well as the processes required to properly construct and run it. A comparison between barcodes and RFID is provided. This article presents a brief summary of new radio frequency identification technology, its application in libraries, and how it works. RFID has several advantages, including inventory efficiency, library collection security, and minimal vulnerability to harm. Despite its benefits, RFID technology has certain downsides and concerns, one of which is the possible threat of viruses. This article intends to address the developing problems associated with RFID technology implementation, giving significant insights for LIS professionals contemplating deploying RFID in their libraries and information centers, and emphasizing the significance of taking precautionary precautions.
Keywords: RFID, Library security, Inventory control, Computer Virus, Information technology, RFID tags, RFID Technology, Library Security, Theft detection, Automatic identification technology, Smart library
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- Rathinasabapathy, G. (2009).RFID technology and library security: Emerging challenges .Journal of Library and Com- munication Technology, Vol.1.No.1
- Somvir and Kaushik, Sudha (2011).The New Emerging Technology in Libraries: RFID Technology. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, Vol.1.No.2
- Chavan, Subhash P. (2012).Use of RFID Technology in Libraries .Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2.No.4
- Dhanalakshmi, M and Mamatha, Uppala (2009).RFID Based Library Management System. Proceedings of ASCNT, CDAC, Noida, India, pp.227-234
- Ramesh, M.R. (2012).Radio frequency identification (RFID) Implementation for libraries. Indian Journal of Innovations and Developments, Vol.1.No.10
- Narayanan, A, Singh, Sanjay and Somasekharan, M ().Implementing RFID in Library: Methodologies, Advantages and Disadvantages. Scientific Information Resource Division, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- Nagalakshmi, L.Radha Alias.(2011).Deployment of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) at Indian academic libraries : Issues and best practice. International Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.3.No.2
- Cooney, Elaine M. (2007). “RFID: complete review of Radio Frequency Identification Delhi: Thomson Learning”
- Garretson, C (2007). Making sense of RFID threats: Don’t be alarmed, but be aware. Available at http://www.techworld.com/security/features/index.cfm? featureid= 3274 Accessed on 10.12.2008
- Kumar, R. (2008). Role of RFID in Academic Libraries. In: Proceedings of the 6th International CALIBER 2008, INFLIBNET-University of Allahabad, Allahabad. pp.120-126.
- Lindquist, M.G. (2003). RFID in Libraries: Introduction to the issues. Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla69/papers/161e-Lindquist.pdf Accessed on 13.12.2008
- Molnar, D. and Wagner, D. Privacy and Security in Library RFID: Issues, Practices, and Architectures (2004). In: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. pp.210-219. Available at http://www.cs.berkeley. edu/~dmolnar/library.pdf Accessed on 15.12.2008
- Bansode, S. Y., &Desale, S. K. (2009). Implementation of RFID technology in University of Pune Library. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 43(2), 202–214.
- Bi, C., Cao, J., & Sheng, X. (2011). Radio frequency identification technology and its application in the library. In International Conference on Information Computing and Applications (pp. 646-651). Berlin: Springer.
- Addepalli, S. L., &Addepalli, S. G. (2014). Library Management System using RFID technology. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 5(6), 6932–6935
- Ansari, M. S., & Khatri, N. G. (2011). Automated RFID based library management systems, Paper presented at the Symposium on Information & Computer Sciences (ICS 2011) (pp. 5–8). Retrieved from http://eprints.sunway.edu.my/93/1/ICS2011_02.pdf
- Ching, S. H., & Tai, A. (2009). HF RFID versus UHF RFID: Technology for library service transformation at City University of Hong Kong. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(4), 347–359. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2009.04.005
- Coyle, K. (2005). Management of RFID in libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 486–489. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2005.06.001
- Dhanalakshmi, M., & Mamatha, U. (2009). RFID based library management system. In Proceedings of ASCNT 2009, CDAC, Noida, India, 19(55), 227–234
- Narayanan, A., Singh, S., &Somasekharan, M. (2005). Implementing RFID in library: Methodologies, advantages and disadvantages. In Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (pp. 271-281). Madras Library Association-Kalpakkam Chapter, and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.
- Power, J. L. (2005). RFID and libraries. Journal of Access Services, 3(2), 83–87. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1300/J204v03n02
- Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Wan, L., & Ko, L. (2014). Adoption of RFID technologies in UK logistics: Moderating roles of size, barcode experience and government support. Expert Systems With Applications, 41(1), 230–236. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.024
- Rathinasabapathy, G. (2009).RFID technology and library security: Emerging challenges .Journal of Library and Com- munication Technology, Vol.1.No.1
- Somvir and Kaushik, Sudha (2011).The New Emerging Technology in Libraries: RFID Technology. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, Vol.1.No.2
- Chavan, Subhash P. (2012).Use of RFID Technology in Libraries .Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2.No.4
- Dhanalakshmi, M and Mamatha, Uppala (2009).RFID Based Library Management System. Proceedings of ASCNT, CDAC, Noida, India, pp.227-234
- Ramesh, M.R. (2012).Radio frequency identification (RFID) Implementation for libraries. Indian Journal of Innovations and Developments, Vol.1.No.10
- Narayanan, A, Singh, Sanjay and Somasekharan, M ().Implementing RFID in Library: Methodologies, Advantages and Disadvantages. Scientific Information Resource Division, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- Nagalakshmi, L.Radha Alias.(2011).Deployment of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) at Indian academic libraries : Issues and best practice. International Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.3.No.2
- Cooney, Elaine M. (2007). “RFID: complete review of Radio Frequency Identification Delhi: Thomson Learning”
- Garretson, C (2007). Making sense of RFID threats: Don’t be alarmed, but be aware. Available at http://www.techworld.com/security/features/index.cfm? featureid= 3274 Accessed on 10.12.2008
- Kumar, R. (2008). Role of RFID in Academic Libraries. In: Proceedings of the 6th International CALIBER 2008, INFLIBNET-University of Allahabad, Allahabad. pp.120-126.
- Lindquist, M.G. (2003). RFID in Libraries: Introduction to the issues. Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla69/papers/161e-Lindquist.pdf Accessed on 13.12.2008
- Molnar, D. and Wagner, D. Privacy and Security in Library RFID: Issues, Practices, and Architectures (2004). In: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. pp.210-219. Available at http://www.cs.berkeley. edu/~dmolnar/library.pdf Accessed on 15.12.2008
- Bansode, S. Y., &Desale, S. K. (2009). Implementation of RFID technology in University of Pune Library. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 43(2), 202–214.
- Bi, C., Cao, J., & Sheng, X. (2011). Radio frequency identification technology and its application in the library. In International Conference on Information Computing and Applications (pp. 646-651). Berlin: Springer.
- Addepalli, S. L., &Addepalli, S. G. (2014). Library Management System using RFID technology. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 5(6), 6932–6935
- Ansari, M. S., & Khatri, N. G. (2011). Automated RFID based library management systems, Paper presented at the Symposium on Information & Computer Sciences (ICS 2011) (pp. 5–8). Retrieved from http://eprints.sunway.edu.my/93/1/ICS2011_02.pdf
- Ching, S. H., & Tai, A. (2009). HF RFID versus UHF RFID: Technology for library service transformation at City University of Hong Kong. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(4), 347–359. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2009.04.005
- Coyle, K. (2005). Management of RFID in libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 486–489. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2005.06.001
- Dhanalakshmi, M., & Mamatha, U. (2009). RFID based library management system. In Proceedings of ASCNT 2009, CDAC, Noida, India, 19(55), 227–234
- Narayanan, A., Singh, S., &Somasekharan, M. (2005). Implementing RFID in library: Methodologies, advantages and disadvantages. In Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (pp. 271-281). Madras Library Association-Kalpakkam Chapter, and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.
- Power, J. L. (2005). RFID and libraries. Journal of Access Services, 3(2), 83–87. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1300/J204v03n02
- Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Wan, L., & Ko, L. (2014). Adoption of RFID technologies in UK logistics: Moderating roles of size, barcode experience and government support. Expert Systems With Applications, 41(1), 230–236. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.024
- Rathinasabapathy, G. (2009).RFID technology and library security: Emerging challenges .Journal of Library and Com- munication Technology, Vol.1.No.1
- Somvir and Kaushik, Sudha (2011).The New Emerging Technology in Libraries: RFID Technology. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, Vol.1.No.2
- Chavan, Subhash P. (2012).Use of RFID Technology in Libraries .Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2.No.4
- Dhanalakshmi, M and Mamatha, Uppala (2009).RFID Based Library Management System. Proceedings of ASCNT, CDAC, Noida, India, pp.227-234
- Ramesh, M.R. (2012).Radio frequency identification (RFID) Implementation for libraries. Indian Journal of Innovations and Developments, Vol.1.No.10
- Narayanan, A, Singh, Sanjay and Somasekharan, M ().Implementing RFID in Library: Methodologies, Advantages and Disadvantages. Scientific Information Resource Division, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- Nagalakshmi, L.Radha Alias.(2011).Deployment of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) at Indian academic libraries : Issues and best practice. International Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.3.No.2
- Cooney, Elaine M. (2007). “RFID: complete review of Radio Frequency Identification Delhi: Thomson Learning”
- Garretson, C (2007). Making sense of RFID threats: Don’t be alarmed, but be aware. Available at http://www.techworld.com/security/features/index.cfm? featureid= 3274 Accessed on 10.12.2008
- Kumar, R. (2008). Role of RFID in Academic Libraries. In: Proceedings of the 6th International CALIBER 2008, INFLIBNET-University of Allahabad, Allahabad. pp.120-126.
- Lindquist, M.G. (2003). RFID in Libraries: Introduction to the issues. Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla69/papers/161e-Lindquist.pdf Accessed on 13.12.2008
- Molnar, D. and Wagner, D. Privacy and Security in Library RFID: Issues, Practices, and Architectures (2004). In: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. pp.210-219. Available at http://www.cs.berkeley. edu/~dmolnar/library.pdf Accessed on 15.12.2008
- Bansode, S. Y., &Desale, S. K. (2009). Implementation of RFID technology in University of Pune Library. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 43(2), 202–214.
- Bi, C., Cao, J., & Sheng, X. (2011). Radio frequency identification technology and its application in the library. In International Conference on Information Computing and Applications (pp. 646-651). Berlin: Springer.
- Addepalli, S. L., &Addepalli, S. G. (2014). Library Management System using RFID technology. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 5(6), 6932–6935
- Ansari, M. S., & Khatri, N. G. (2011). Automated RFID based library management systems, Paper presented at the Symposium on Information & Computer Sciences (ICS 2011) (pp. 5–8). Retrieved from http://eprints.sunway.edu.my/93/1/ICS2011_02.pdf
- Ching, S. H., & Tai, A. (2009). HF RFID versus UHF RFID: Technology for library service transformation at City University of Hong Kong. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(4), 347–359. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2009.04.005
- Coyle, K. (2005). Management of RFID in libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 486–489. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2005.06.001
- Dhanalakshmi, M., & Mamatha, U. (2009). RFID based library management system. In Proceedings of ASCNT 2009, CDAC, Noida, India, 19(55), 227–234
- Narayanan, A., Singh, S., &Somasekharan, M. (2005). Implementing RFID in library: Methodologies, advantages and disadvantages. In Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (pp. 271-281). Madras Library Association-Kalpakkam Chapter, and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.
- Power, J. L. (2005). RFID and libraries. Journal of Access Services, 3(2), 83–87. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1300/J204v03n02
- Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Wan, L., & Ko, L. (2014). Adoption of RFID technologies in UK logistics: Moderating roles of size, barcode experience and government support. Expert Systems With Applications, 41(1), 230–236. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.024
- Rathinasabapathy, G. (2009).RFID technology and library security: Emerging challenges .Journal of Library and Com- munication Technology, Vol.1.No.1
- Somvir and Kaushik, Sudha (2011).The New Emerging Technology in Libraries: RFID Technology. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, Vol.1.No.2
- Chavan, Subhash P. (2012).Use of RFID Technology in Libraries .Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2.No.4
- Dhanalakshmi, M and Mamatha, Uppala (2009).RFID Based Library Management System. Proceedings of ASCNT, CDAC, Noida, India, pp.227-234
- Ramesh, M.R. (2012).Radio frequency identification (RFID) Implementation for libraries. Indian Journal of Innovations and Developments, Vol.1.No.10
- Narayanan, A, Singh, Sanjay and Somasekharan, M ().Implementing RFID in Library: Methodologies, Advantages and Disadvantages. Scientific Information Resource Division, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- Nagalakshmi, L.Radha Alias.(2011).Deployment of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) at Indian academic libraries : Issues and best practice. International Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.3.No.2
- Cooney, Elaine M. (2007). “RFID: complete review of Radio Frequency Identification Delhi: Thomson Learning”
- Garretson, C (2007). Making sense of RFID threats: Don’t be alarmed, but be aware. Available at http://www.techworld.com/security/features/index.cfm? featureid= 3274 Accessed on 10.12.2008
- Kumar, R. (2008). Role of RFID in Academic Libraries. In: Proceedings of the 6th International CALIBER 2008, INFLIBNET-University of Allahabad, Allahabad. pp.120-126.
- Lindquist, M.G. (2003). RFID in Libraries: Introduction to the issues. Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla69/papers/161e-Lindquist.pdf Accessed on 13.12.2008
- Molnar, D. and Wagner, D. Privacy and Security in Library RFID: Issues, Practices, and Architectures (2004). In: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. pp.210-219. Available at http://www.cs.berkeley. edu/~dmolnar/library.pdf Accessed on 15.12.2008
- Bansode, S. Y., &Desale, S. K. (2009). Implementation of RFID technology in University of Pune Library. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 43(2), 202–214.
- Bi, C., Cao, J., & Sheng, X. (2011). Radio frequency identification technology and its application in the library. In International Conference on Information Computing and Applications (pp. 646-651). Berlin: Springer.
- Addepalli, S. L., &Addepalli, S. G. (2014). Library Management System using RFID technology. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 5(6), 6932–6935
- Ansari, M. S., & Khatri, N. G. (2011). Automated RFID based library management systems, Paper presented at the Symposium on Information & Computer Sciences (ICS 2011) (pp. 5–8). Retrieved from http://eprints.sunway.edu.my/93/1/ICS2011_02.pdf
- Ching, S. H., & Tai, A. (2009). HF RFID versus UHF RFID: Technology for library service transformation at City University of Hong Kong. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(4), 347–359. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2009.04.005
- Coyle, K. (2005). Management of RFID in libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 486–489. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2005.06.001
- Dhanalakshmi, M., & Mamatha, U. (2009). RFID based library management system. In Proceedings of ASCNT 2009, CDAC, Noida, India, 19(55), 227–234
- Narayanan, A., Singh, S., &Somasekharan, M. (2005). Implementing RFID in library: Methodologies, advantages and disadvantages. In Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (pp. 271-281). Madras Library Association-Kalpakkam Chapter, and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.
- Power, J. L. (2005). RFID and libraries. Journal of Access Services, 3(2), 83–87. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1300/J204v03n02
- Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Wan, L., & Ko, L. (2014). Adoption of RFID technologies in UK logistics: Moderating roles of size, barcode experience and government support. Expert Systems With Applications, 41(1), 230–236. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.024
- Rathinasabapathy, G. (2009).RFID technology and library security: Emerging challenges .Journal of Library and Com- munication Technology, Vol.1.No.1
- Somvir and Kaushik, Sudha (2011).The New Emerging Technology in Libraries: RFID Technology. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, Vol.1.No.2
- Chavan, Subhash P. (2012).Use of RFID Technology in Libraries .Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2.No.4
- Dhanalakshmi, M and Mamatha, Uppala (2009).RFID Based Library Management System. Proceedings of ASCNT, CDAC, Noida, India, pp.227-234
- Ramesh, M.R. (2012).Radio frequency identification (RFID) Implementation for libraries. Indian Journal of Innovations and Developments, Vol.1.No.10
- Narayanan, A, Singh, Sanjay and Somasekharan, M ().Implementing RFID in Library: Methodologies, Advantages and Disadvantages. Scientific Information Resource Division, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- Nagalakshmi, L.Radha Alias.(2011).Deployment of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) at Indian academic libraries : Issues and best practice. International Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.3.No.2
- Cooney, Elaine M. (2007). “RFID: complete review of Radio Frequency Identification Delhi: Thomson Learning”
- Garretson, C (2007). Making sense of RFID threats: Don’t be alarmed, but be aware. Available at http://www.techworld.com/security/features/index.cfm? featureid= 3274 Accessed on 10.12.2008
- Kumar, R. (2008). Role of RFID in Academic Libraries. In: Proceedings of the 6th International CALIBER 2008, INFLIBNET-University of Allahabad, Allahabad. pp.120-126.
- Lindquist, M.G. (2003). RFID in Libraries: Introduction to the issues. Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla69/papers/161e-Lindquist.pdf Accessed on 13.12.2008
- Molnar, D. and Wagner, D. Privacy and Security in Library RFID: Issues, Practices, and Architectures (2004). In: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. pp.210-219. Available at http://www.cs.berkeley. edu/~dmolnar/library.pdf Accessed on 15.12.2008
- Bansode, S. Y., &Desale, S. K. (2009). Implementation of RFID technology in University of Pune Library. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 43(2), 202–214.
- Bi, C., Cao, J., & Sheng, X. (2011). Radio frequency identification technology and its application in the library. In International Conference on Information Computing and Applications (pp. 646-651). Berlin: Springer.
- Addepalli, S. L., &Addepalli, S. G. (2014). Library Management System using RFID technology. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 5(6), 6932–6935
- Ansari, M. S., & Khatri, N. G. (2011). Automated RFID based library management systems, Paper presented at the Symposium on Information & Computer Sciences (ICS 2011) (pp. 5–8). Retrieved from http://eprints.sunway.edu.my/93/1/ICS2011_02.pdf
- Ching, S. H., & Tai, A. (2009). HF RFID versus UHF RFID: Technology for library service transformation at City University of Hong Kong. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(4), 347–359. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2009.04.005
- Coyle, K. (2005). Management of RFID in libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 486–489. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2005.06.001
- Dhanalakshmi, M., & Mamatha, U. (2009). RFID based library management system. In Proceedings of ASCNT 2009, CDAC, Noida, India, 19(55), 227–234
- Narayanan, A., Singh, S., &Somasekharan, M. (2005). Implementing RFID in library: Methodologies, advantages and disadvantages. In Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (pp. 271-281). Madras Library Association-Kalpakkam Chapter, and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.
- Power, J. L. (2005). RFID and libraries. Journal of Access Services, 3(2), 83–87. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1300/J204v03n02
- Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Wan, L., & Ko, L. (2014). Adoption of RFID technologies in UK logistics: Moderating roles of size, barcode experience and government support. Expert Systems With Applications, 41(1), 230–236. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.024
- Rathinasabapathy, G. (2009).RFID technology and library security: Emerging challenges .Journal of Library and Com- munication Technology, Vol.1.No.1
- Somvir and Kaushik, Sudha (2011).The New Emerging Technology in Libraries: RFID Technology. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, Vol.1.No.2
- Chavan, Subhash P. (2012).Use of RFID Technology in Libraries .Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2.No.4
- Dhanalakshmi, M and Mamatha, Uppala (2009).RFID Based Library Management System. Proceedings of ASCNT, CDAC, Noida, India, pp.227-234
- Ramesh, M.R. (2012).Radio frequency identification (RFID) Implementation for libraries. Indian Journal of Innovations and Developments, Vol.1.No.10
- Narayanan, A, Singh, Sanjay and Somasekharan, M ().Implementing RFID in Library: Methodologies, Advantages and Disadvantages. Scientific Information Resource Division, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- Nagalakshmi, L.Radha Alias.(2011).Deployment of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) at Indian academic libraries : Issues and best practice. International Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.3.No.2
- Cooney, Elaine M. (2007). “RFID: complete review of Radio Frequency Identification Delhi: Thomson Learning”
- Garretson, C (2007). Making sense of RFID threats: Don’t be alarmed, but be aware. Available at http://www.techworld.com/security/features/index.cfm? featureid= 3274 Accessed on 10.12.2008
- Kumar, R. (2008). Role of RFID in Academic Libraries. In: Proceedings of the 6th International CALIBER 2008, INFLIBNET-University of Allahabad, Allahabad. pp.120-126.
- Lindquist, M.G. (2003). RFID in Libraries: Introduction to the issues. Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla69/papers/161e-Lindquist.pdf Accessed on 13.12.2008
- Molnar, D. and Wagner, D. Privacy and Security in Library RFID: Issues, Practices, and Architectures (2004). In: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. pp.210-219. Available at http://www.cs.berkeley. edu/~dmolnar/library.pdf Accessed on 15.12.2008
- Bansode, S. Y., &Desale, S. K. (2009). Implementation of RFID technology in University of Pune Library. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 43(2), 202–214.
- Bi, C., Cao, J., & Sheng, X. (2011). Radio frequency identification technology and its application in the library. In International Conference on Information Computing and Applications (pp. 646-651). Berlin: Springer.
- Addepalli, S. L., &Addepalli, S. G. (2014). Library Management System using RFID technology. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 5(6), 6932–6935
- Ansari, M. S., & Khatri, N. G. (2011). Automated RFID based library management systems, Paper presented at the Symposium on Information & Computer Sciences (ICS 2011) (pp. 5–8). Retrieved from http://eprints.sunway.edu.my/93/1/ICS2011_02.pdf
- Ching, S. H., & Tai, A. (2009). HF RFID versus UHF RFID: Technology for library service transformation at City University of Hong Kong. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(4), 347–359. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2009.04.005
- Coyle, K. (2005). Management of RFID in libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 486–489. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2005.06.001
- Dhanalakshmi, M., & Mamatha, U. (2009). RFID based library management system. In Proceedings of ASCNT 2009, CDAC, Noida, India, 19(55), 227–234
- Narayanan, A., Singh, S., &Somasekharan, M. (2005). Implementing RFID in library: Methodologies, advantages and disadvantages. In Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (pp. 271-281). Madras Library Association-Kalpakkam Chapter, and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.
- Power, J. L. (2005). RFID and libraries. Journal of Access Services, 3(2), 83–87. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1300/J204v03n02
- Ramanathan, R., Ramanathan, U., Wan, L., & Ko, L. (2014). Adoption of RFID technologies in UK logistics: Moderating roles of size, barcode experience and government support. Expert Systems With Applications, 41(1), 230–236. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.024
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Volume | ||
[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”]Issue[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”]Special Issue[/if 424] [if 424 equals=”Conference”][/if 424] | ||
Received | March 28, 2024 | |
Accepted | May 9, 2024 | |
Published | May 10, 2024 |