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Prof. A. K. M. Fazlul Haque

Prof. A. K. M. Fazlul Haque

Daffodil International University (DIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Editor in Chief
Journal of Advances in Shell Programming
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Institutional Profile Link : https://faculty.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/profile/ice/haque.html


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Focus and Scope

Last Update: 16-Jan-23


About the Journal

Journal of Advances in Shell Programming [2395-6690(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2014 advanced in shell programming especially to develop skills required for automation in UNIX /Linux environment. This journal focuses on the basis and intermediate level of scripting. It provides training with hands-on sessions to administer the Unix shell and shell programming

Focus and Scope

  • Shell commands & simple programming: Functional programming, Central Processing Unit, LAN interconnection, Buildings, Command languages, Parallel programming, Parallel machines, Computer architecture, Concurrent computing, Computer science command language, functional language, functional programming environment, shells, UNIX.

  • Overview of TCP/ IP networking: Networking, DTN,delay-tolerant networking, satellite networking application, packet loss, intermittent connectivity, link disruption, TCP-IP stack, performance enhancing proxy, PEP, security protocol, overlay protocol, bundle protocol, BP, transport protocol, lower layer protocol, satellite links, practical LEO-GEO satellite scenario, quality of service, QoS, congestion control, routing activity.

  • Overview of the UNIX/ LINUX: Real-time control system, military contractor, embedded applications, Beowulf cluster computer, supercomputing, weather simulationLinux, Military computing, Sensor systems and applications, High-speed networks, Publishing, Workstations, Control system synthesis, Europe, South America, Real-time systems.

  • Linux Administrators: Linux containers, virtual machines, cloud computing, virtualized environments, hardware resource utilization, resource overhead, virtualization technologies containers, docker, virtualization, cloud computing, hypervisor, Kubernetes.

  • UNIX programmers: APU, automatic programmer, UNIX, paradigm, top-down decomposition, programming cliches, knowledge structure,problem-solving capability programming profession, Automaticprogramming, Humans, Libraries, Sorting, Dictionaries, Computer science, Problem-solving, Artificial intelligence, Writing.