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Dr. Kalaivani A/P Chellappan

Dr. Kalaivani A/P Chellappan

Associate Professor
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia 43600
Editor in Chief
Emerging Trends in Personalized Medicines
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Focus and Scope

About the Journal

Emerging Trends in Personalized Medicine is a peer-reviewed online journal launched in 2024 that aims to unite all facets of personalized medicine under one platform. Case studies, well-liked articles, research papers, and reviews are all published by it. Molecular and translational sciences, systems biology pharmacogenomics/proteomics, omics association analysis, therapies and diagnostics, discussions of regulatory, social, ethical, and policy concerns, etc. are only a few of the scientific disciplines that are advanced by the publication of papers in the interdisciplinary journal personalized medicine. Researchers are expected to report their theoretical and empirical findings in as much detail as appropriate. As a result, there is no restriction on the paper’s length. To enable the replication of the findings, appropriate theoretical and simulation information must be available.

Focus and Scope

  • Personalized cancer treatment: folate receptor, vintafolide, etarfolatide, ovarian cancer, non-small-cell lung cancer, Endocytosis, Cancer, Targeted therapeutics, Small molecule drug conjugates, Personalized medicine, microfluidic technology, organoids, tumor modeling, K-Ras, Signaling pathways, biomarker, clinical trials, Circulating tumor cells, Drug discovery.
  • Genetically personalized medicine: pharmacogenomics, biomarkers, genomics, medicine, SNPs, transcript profiling, proteomics, Precision medicine, patient monitoring, diagnostic test, pharmacogenetics, pharmacokinetic, multimodal analgesia, Meiosis/DNA repair genes, Mitophagy.
  • Pharmacogenomics-based personalized healthcare: single nucleotide polymorphisms, copy number variation, gene expression levels, Healthcare Management, Health, Regression analysis, pathophysiology, Clinical decision support, anesthesiology, Genetic makeup, Drug metabolizing enzymes, Therapeutic response.
  • Antibody-related diseases personalized medicine: antinuclear antibodies (ANA), Bioinformatics, Biological databases, High-throughput techniques, antiphospholipid antibodies, mTORC pathway, vasculopathy, antibody diversity, anti-drug antibodies, GDNFglial cell-derived nerve growth factor, immunoglobulin, Immunogenicity testing, Therapeutic proteins, Antibody-conjugated payload, Immuno-capture, angiotensin.
  • Discovering drug targets and incorporating them into personalized therapy: Biomarkers, Diagnostics, Innovation, Drug repositioning, Drug-target interactions, Machine learning, Bayesian personalized ranking, Data integration, Information technologies, Target identification, and next-generation sequencing (NGS).
  • Personalized Medicine in Cell Therapy: Chronic inflammation, Chronic wounds, Growth factors, Personalized medicine, Skin, Stem cells, Wound healing, Cancer stem cells markers, Treatment personalization, Cell therapy, Gene transfer, Gene therapy, Regenerative medicine, Vaccine development
  • Bioinformatics personalized medicine: gene expression, microarrays, DNA chips, computational diagnostics, tumor classification, statistical learning, Drug Discovery, Pharmaceutical Science, Next-generation sequencing, Nanomedicine, and Pharmacotyping.
  • Nutrition and exercise personalized medicine: Nutrition, Precision medicine, Mobile health technology, Healthy living, microbiota, Gut microbiota, Nutritional surveillance, Nutrition assessment, Physical fitness, sleep, fatigue, Skeletal muscle metabolome, High fat diet, High carbohydrate diet.
  • Neurological personalized medicine: neuroscience, organ-on-chip, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Neurodegenerative disorders, Neurodegenerative disorders, traumatic spinal cord injury, Molecular profiling, Targeted therapy, Precision medicine, Translational medicine, Nanooncology, Deep brain stimulation (DBS), Neuromodulation.
  • Resources and Technology Advancements: Genetic testing, sequencing technology, and molecular diagnostics are all aspects of molecular diagnostics, Proteomics, metabolomics, expression analysis, Microbiomes, investigations of genome-wide associations, Biological, and medical informatics, and Biostatistics.
  • Omics-based research on illness risk, prognosis, and treatment response: Biomarker, Metabolomics, RNAi, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Lipidomics, Precision medicine, Environmental management.
  • Identification and use of biomarkers: diagnosis, prognosis, surveillance, genomics, proteomics, Gene signatures, Sample preparation, fatty acid biomarkers, Mass spectroscopy, Neurotransmitters, Sensitivity, Specificity, Quantitative proteomics, Peptidome.
  • Personalization of non-drug related omics-based health interventions: Individualized Medicine, Medical Research, Biomarker, Drug discovery strategies, Molecular hybrid.
  • Morality and regulations in personalized medicine: governance, public representations of personalized medicine, self-regulation, soft law, Biomedical, Big data, Health care regulation, Disease categories, Disease taxonomies, Personal genomics, Susceptibility, Responsibilization, Consumerization, and Individualization.


  • Methodology, Drug, and Device
  • Discovery Segment
  • Personalized Therapy and Drug
  • Delivery Segment
  • Bioinformatics & personalized medicine
  • Segment
  • Neurological personalized medicine
  • Segment
  • Resources and Technology
  • Advancements Segment
  • Omics-based research Segment
  • Pharmacogenetics Segment
  • Clinical Medicine, Cell, and Organism
  • Physiology Segment