Editorial board

Editor Overview

ijssir maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.
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Meet the Editorial Board Members


Editor (12)

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Dr. Hafeez Ullah Janjua

Assistant Professor

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Bahawalpur , Pakistan

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. Sherif Eid Nasr


Fayoum University

, Egypt

Institution Profile Link: https://www.fayoum.edu.eg/english/FUDecision/FUDecision710.aspx

Email :

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Prof. E.N. Ganesh

Assistant Professor

Saveetha Engineering College

Tamil Nadu , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. Ranjan Changmai

Assistant Professor

Dibrugarh Hanumanbax Surajmall Kanoi College

Assam , India

Institution Profile Link: https://old.dhsk.org/department-of-physics/

Email :

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Dr. Rupayan Bhattacharya


University of Calcutta

West Bengal , India

Institution Profile Link: https://sy.rkmvu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Rupayan-Bhattacharya-CV.pdf

Email :

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Dr. Nabachandra Singh Asem


Thoubal College

Manipur , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. Sufian M. Alnemrat

Assistant Professor

The Hashemite University

Zarqa , Zarqa

Institution Profile Link: https://staff.hu.edu.jo/CV_e.aspx?id=KIPAP1tjxV8=

Email :

451a7948 female


Assistant professor

Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences

Andhrapradsh , India, 517502

Institution Profile Link: https://aits-tpt.edu.in/

Email :

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Prof. Dinesh Amalnerkar

Emeritus Professor

Savitribai Phule Pune University

Maharashtra , india

Institution Profile Link: http://www.pccoepune.com/pdf/Prof_Dinesh_Amalnerkar.pdf

Email :

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Dr. Rohitash Kumar

Associate Professor


Haryana , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.niilmuniversity.ac.in/contact_us

Email :

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Dr. Binay Prakash Akhouri

Head, Associate Professor

Ranchi University

Jharkhand , india

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. Tanmaya Badapanda

Associate Professor

C.V. Raman College of Engineering

Orissa , India

Institution Profile Link: https://cgu-odisha.ac.in/faculty/faculty-list-13/

Email :

Section Editor (1)

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Dr. Sajid Hussain Siyal

Associate Professor

Dawood University of engineering and Technology Karachi

Sindh , Pakistan

Institution Profile Link: https://duet.edu.pk/

Email :

STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.,
A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin – 201301, India

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