Fundamental Analysis of Mid Cap Stocks of Indian in IT Sector


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Year : 2025 | Volume : 15 | Issue : 01 | Page : –

    Dhruv Jindal,

  • Nidhi Sharma,

  1. Student, Department of Management studies (BBA), Rukmini Devi Institute of advanced studies, New Delhi, India
  2. Associate Professor, Department of Management studies (BBA), Rukmini Devi Institute of advanced studies, New Delhi, India


Fundamental analysis is also needed for the classification of financial assets (stocks, bonds and currencies) using economic indicators or valuation methods to determine its true value. The present study is on mid-cap stocks of Information Technology (IT) sector in Indian market which includes sectors software development, hardware manufacturing, semiconductors, IT services internet & e-commerce, telecommunication, cyber security and cloud computing. Mid-cap stocks may provide a good mix of growth potential and somewhat lower risk. The intended research methodology included defining the research go also to help, select sample population and utilize tools for data analysis such as EIC Analysis Quantitative analysis Competitive analyses SWOT surveys The report shed some light on economic landscape, industry trends and individual company performance for investors to follow key financial metrics of other companies with the same records. Though hampered by constraints, the research provided food for thought to investors, who are often advised of using insights into industry dynamics and tech development as well as macroeconomics in addition to fundamental analysis that serves decision-making.

Keywords: Fundamental analysis, mid-cap stocks, Indian IT sector, economic factors, financial metrics, industry trends, SWOT analysis, investment decisions

[This article belongs to Current Trends in Information Technology (ctit)]

How to cite this article:
Dhruv Jindal, Nidhi Sharma. Fundamental Analysis of Mid Cap Stocks of Indian in IT Sector. Current Trends in Information Technology. 2024; 15(01):-.
How to cite this URL:
Dhruv Jindal, Nidhi Sharma. Fundamental Analysis of Mid Cap Stocks of Indian in IT Sector. Current Trends in Information Technology. 2024; 15(01):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 15
Issue 01
Received 02/08/2024
Accepted 13/08/2024
Published 02/12/2024