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  • Enhance Your Research Visibility with the International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials

STM Journals

Published on May 23, 2024

Enhance Your Research Visibility with the International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials

In the dynamic and rapidly advancing fields of industrial biotechnology and biomaterials, selecting the right journal to publish your research can make a significant difference in your academic and professional journey. The International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials (IJIBB) is a prestigious platform that stands out for its commitment to excellence and innovation.

Why Choose IJIBB for Your Publications?

1. Broad and Relevant Focus

IJIBB’s comprehensive focus covers a wide array of topics within industrial biotechnology and biomaterials. Whether your research involves bioprocess engineering, bioenergy, or the synthesis of novel biomaterials, IJIBB is an excellent choice. The journal also explores niche areas such as bioreactor design and fermentation processes, ensuring a wide relevance to researchers in various subfields.

2. Rigorous Peer-Review Process

IJIBB is known for its stringent peer-review process, handled by an international editorial board of practicing researchers. This ensures that each published manuscript is of the highest quality, adding credibility and scholarly value to your work. The peer-review process not only enhances the trustworthiness of your research but also facilitates valuable feedback from experts in the field.

3. High Impact and Visibility

With an impressive SJIF impact factor of 5.992 (2022), IJIBB is recognized for its significant contributions to the field. The journal’s hybrid open-access model ensures that your research is accessible to a global audience, thereby increasing its visibility and potential for citations. This high impact factor reflects the journal’s influence and the quality of its published research.

4. Indexed in Leading Databases

IJIBB is indexed in prominent databases such as Google Scholar, SCILIT, and Genamics JournalSeek. This indexing guarantees that your research is easily discoverable by a wide audience, enhancing the reach and impact of your work. Being indexed in these reputable databases also underscores the journal’s standing in the scientific community.

5. Special Issues on Emerging Topics

The journal frequently publishes special issues dedicated to emerging topics in industrial biotechnology. These special issues provide a platform for highlighting cutting-edge research and advancements. Recent special issues have covered topics like sustainable biomaterials and innovative bioprocess engineering techniques, making IJIBB a front-runner in publishing contemporary and impactful research.

Submission and Publication Process

Submitting your manuscript to IJIBB is a straightforward process through their online portal. The journal welcomes various types of manuscripts, including original research articles, review articles, case studies, and short communications. Detailed author guidelines are available to ensure that submissions meet the journal’s high standards and publication ethics.


The International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials (IJIBB) offers an esteemed and impactful platform for your research publications. With its broad scope, rigorous peer-review process, high impact factor, and dedication to current and emerging topics, IJIBB is the perfect choice for researchers aiming to make significant contributions to the field of industrial biotechnology and biomaterials.

For more information on manuscript submission, visit IJIBB’s Submission Guidelines. Publish with IJIBB and ensure that your research reaches a wide and diverse audience, gaining the recognition it deserves.

Industry Information and References:

  • Companies and Institutions: Dhruv Infosystems Pvt. Ltd., Mahatma Gandhi Mission Institute of Health Sciences
  • Market Data: Current trends in bioprocess engineering and bioenergy.
  • Job and Career Opportunities: Positions in biotechnology firms and research institutions focusing on sustainable biomaterials.

By publishing with IJIBB, you align your research with a journal that values quality, visibility, and impact, paving the way for greater academic and professional success.

Journal TitleWebsite URLJournal FeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials (IJIBB)IJIBB WebsitePeer-reviewed, hybrid open-access, indexed in Google Scholar, SCILIT, Genamics JournalSeek, special issues, high impact factorFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript

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