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  • Why Choose the International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications for Your Next Manuscript?

STM Journals

Published on May 23, 2024

Why Choose the International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications for Your Next Manuscript?

In the ever-evolving field of animal biotechnology, finding the right platform to publish your research is crucial. The International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications (IJABA) stands out as a premier choice for researchers and professionals. Established in 2015, IJABA has quickly garnered a reputation for excellence in publishing cutting-edge research.

Why Publish with IJABA?

1. Comprehensive Focus and Scope

IJABA covers a broad range of topics within animal biotechnology. Whether your research involves transgenic animals, cloning, genetic engineering, or genome sequencing, IJABA is the perfect venue. The journal also delves into niche areas such as IVF treatments and their success rates, making it relevant for researchers across various subfields.

2. Prestigious and Peer-Reviewed

One of IJABA’s unique features is its rigorous peer-review process. Each manuscript is reviewed by experts from an international editorial board, ensuring high-quality and impactful research. This meticulous review process enhances the credibility and reliability of published articles.

3. High Visibility and Impact

With an impressive SJIF impact factor of 6.005 (2022), IJABA is recognized for its significant contributions to the field. The journal’s hybrid open-access model ensures that your research reaches a global audience, increasing its visibility and impact.

4. Indexed in Major Databases

IJABA is indexed in Google Scholar, SCILIT, and Genamics JournalSeek. This indexing ensures that your research is easily discoverable by other researchers, academics, and professionals worldwide, facilitating greater dissemination and citation.

5. Special Issues on Emerging Topics

IJABA regularly publishes special issues on current and emerging topics in biotechnology. Recent special issues have covered areas such as transgenic animals, cloning processes, and genome sequencing in the context of new COVID variants. These special issues provide a platform for researchers to highlight their work on the latest advancements.

Submission and Publication Process

IJABA offers a seamless manuscript submission process through its online portal. The journal welcomes a variety of manuscript types, including original research articles, review articles, case studies, and short communications. Detailed author guidelines ensure that submissions meet the journal’s high standards.


The International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications (IJABA) is a leading journal that provides a reputable and impactful platform for your research. With its broad focus, rigorous peer-review process, high visibility, and dedication to current topics, IJABA is the ideal choice for researchers looking to make significant contributions to the field of animal biotechnology.

For more information on how to submit your manuscript, visit IJABA’s Submission Guidelines. Join the ranks of esteemed researchers who trust IJABA for their publications and make your research known to the world.

Industry Information and References:

  • Companies and Institutions: Mahatma Gandhi Mission Institute of Health Sciences, Dhruv Infosystems Pvt. Ltd.
  • Market Data: Current trends in transgenic animal research and cloning.
  • Job and Career Opportunities: Positions in genetic engineering and biotechnology research facilities.

By optimizing your research publication strategy with IJABA, you ensure that your work achieves the recognition and impact it deserves in the scientific community.

Journal TitleWebsite URLJournal FeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications (IJABA)IJABA WebsitePeer-reviewed, hybrid open-access, indexed in Google Scholar, SCILIT, Genamics JournalSeek, special issues, high impact factorFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript

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