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STM Journals

Published on May 24, 2024

Enhance Your Research Reach with the International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Are you looking for a prestigious platform to publish your latest research in analytical and applied chemistry? Look no further than the International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry (IJAAC). With its robust peer-review process, high impact factor, and hybrid open-access model, IJAAC is the perfect choice for researchers aiming to reach a wide audience.

Why Choose IJAAC?

Founded in 2015, IJAAC has quickly established itself as a leading journal in the field of chemistry. The journal publishes two issues per year, covering a broad spectrum of topics within analytical and applied chemistry. From original research articles to critical reviews, IJAAC ensures that every submission undergoes rigorous peer review to maintain high scientific standards.

High Impact Factor

One of the standout features of IJAAC is its impressive impact factor of 5.982, as recorded in 2022. This metric reflects the journal’s influence and the high citation rates of its published articles, making it an attractive destination for researchers who wish to enhance the visibility and impact of their work.

Open Access Model

IJAAC operates on a hybrid open-access model, providing flexibility for authors. This means you can choose to publish your work as open access, ensuring that your research is freely available to the global scientific community. This model not only increases the reach of your research but also aligns with the growing demand for accessible scientific knowledge.

Broad Scope

The journal welcomes submissions in various areas of chemistry, including but not limited to:

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Chemical Analysis
  • Instrumental Methods
  • Environmental Chemistry

Such a diverse scope ensures that IJAAC caters to a wide range of research interests, making it a go-to journal for chemists worldwide.

Submission Guidelines

Submitting your manuscript to IJAAC is a straightforward process. The journal provides clear and comprehensive guidelines to help authors prepare their submissions. Key aspects include:

  • Detailed instructions on manuscript preparation
  • Guidelines for figures and tables
  • Information on the peer-review process

For more detailed information, you can visit the Author Guidelines page on their website.

Indexed and Recognized

IJAAC is indexed in renowned databases such as Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, and SCILIT. These indexing services enhance the discoverability of your research, ensuring that it reaches a broad audience of academics, practitioners, and industry professionals.

Join a Prestigious Community

By publishing in IJAAC, you join a community of distinguished researchers and experts in the field of chemistry. The journal’s editorial board comprises leading scientists who bring their extensive knowledge and experience to ensure the quality and relevance of the published content.


The International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry offers a perfect blend of rigorous peer review, high impact factor, and wide accessibility through its hybrid open-access model. Whether you are an emerging researcher or an established scientist, IJAAC provides an excellent platform to disseminate your research findings and gain the recognition you deserve.

Industry Information and References:

  • Companies: Major analytical equipment manufacturers like Agilent Technologies, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and PerkinElmer often look for cutting-edge research published in journals like IJAAC.
  • Market Data: The global analytical chemistry market is expected to grow significantly, driven by advancements in instrumentation and increasing research activities.
  • Job and Career Opportunities: Academic institutions and research organizations regularly seek professionals with a strong publication record in reputable journals like IJAAC.
  • Institutions: Leading universities and research institutes globally recognize and respect publications from IJAAC, enhancing the career prospects of its contributors.


For more information, visit the International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry website.

Table of Journal Details

Journal TitleWebsite URLJournal FeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
International Journal of Analytical and Applied ChemistryIJAACPeer-reviewed, hybrid open access, impact factor 5.982Focus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript

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