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Prof. Hema Krishna Ravuri

Prof. Hema Krishna Ravuri

University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry
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Focus and Scope


About the Journal

International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry [2582-5933 (e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that focuses on general issues, critical reviews and original research articles are included in the journal of analytical and applied chemistry. Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles only and is stringent in the policy of originality and novelty of the article. Electrochemistry, photoelectrochemistry, medicinal chemistry, and organometallic chemistry are some of the topics that are covered in the journal.

Focus and Scope

  • Applied Chemistry:  Electrochemical biosensor, definition, single-use biosensor, calibration characteristics, performance criteria, analytes, big data, cognitive computing, data science, drug discovery, genetics, personalized medicine, Gas sensing mechanism, Gas sensor, Alcohol, Catalytic oxidation, Nanofluids, Magnetron sputtering, Stability, Zeta potential, High-pressure, Homogenizer, Nanoparticle, Activated carbon, Cr(VI) adsorption, Peanut shell, Isotherms model, Lagergren model, Thermodynamics, Direct electron transfer (eT), Gold colloid, Self-assembled monolayer, Hydrogen peroxide, Aptamer affinity chromatography, Directed ligand evolution, Affinity chromatography, Date pits, Methylene blue, Adsorption isotherm, Kinetics.

  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry:  Carbon nanotube, Adsorption, Organic chemical, Natural organic matter, pH, Ionic strength, Oligo- and poly(3-hydroxy alkanoates), Analysis of PHB/PHV, Ion transport through phospholipid bilayer membranes, Vesicles and liposomes, Patch-clamp ion-channel measurements, Complexation of cyclic HB and HV oligomers with hydrophobic and hydrophilic substrates, Granular activated carbon, Activated carbon fiber, Synthetic organic chemical, Directed evolution, Aldolases, Substrate specificity, Stereochemistry, Organic synthesis, Carbon-carbon bond formation, Direct fluorination, Elemental fluorine, Gas-liquid continuous flow microreactor, Fluoroarene, Selective fluorination, Hazardous, Adsorption coefficient, Competent biomass fraction, Biodegradation sequencing batch reactor, Synthetic organic compound.

  • Electrochemistry: Magnesium electrochemistry, Rechargeable batteries, Ionic liquids, Insertion electrodes, Electrochemical processes, Regeneration of metal, Effluent treatment, Ion exchange assisted electrodialysis, Electroplating, and surface finishing industry, Electro-machining, Electrochemical treatment, Industrial effluents, Carbon dioxide, Copper, CO2 reduction, Reaction mechanism, Li-ion batteries, Anode, Nanostructured materials, Titanium oxides, Titanite, Multi-beam optical sensor (MOS), Mechanical dissipation, In situ stress measurement, Open-circuit relaxation, Color removal, Wastewater, Electrolysis treatment.

  • Photoelectrochemistry:  Photocell, Photoreactor, Photoelectrochemical, Water splitting, Hydrogen, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Electrical analogs, TiO2 photocatalysis, Air purification, Water purification, Synergistic effect, Effective reactor design, Nanocrystalline, Colloidal, Photocurrent transients, Oxygen vacancy, Photoanode, Anodization, Natural dyes, Photoelectrochemical solar cell, Energy conversion, effluents treatment, electrodialysis, Hierarchical microstructures, Ofloxacin, Photocatalysis, Hematite, Co-doping, Photoelectrochemical sensing, Solar energy utilization, Charge separation, Cadmium sulfide, Impedance, Intensity-modulated photocurrent spectroscopy, Photocorrosion.

  • Medicinal Chemistry:  Fluorinated drugs, Central nervous system, Metabolic disorders, Cardiovascular disease, Antibacterial agents, Antifungal therapy, Pharmaceutical, Fluoro-substituent, Drug, Prodrug, Anti-cancer agent, Drug design, Heterocycle, Benzoxazole, Oxazolopyridine, Cytotoxic activity, Flavones, Flavonoids, Antioxidant, Poly-functional, Multifactorial diseases, Synthesis, Antimicrobial, Antiviral, Migraine, Antiemetic, Moracins, Mulberries, Biological activity, Pharmacological activity, Thiazole, Review, Bioactive, Natural products, Ursolic acid derivatives, Synthetic lethality, ADP ribosylation, DNA repair, Histone modification, NAD analogs, Non-NAD analogs.

  • Organometallic Chemistry:  Dative bond, Coordinate link, Synergic bonding, Dewar–Chatt–Duncanson, Bonding in π-complexes, Metal oxides, Rhenium, Synthesis, Bonding, Catalysis, Bioorganometallic chemistry overview, Cp*Rh-DNA, -GPCR peptides, -hydroxytamoxifen complexes, bio organotin chemistry, Host-guest chemistry, biomimetic co-factors, cofactor regeneration, and Organometallic chemistry compatibility with redox enzymes, Hydrogen bonding, Proton transfer, Metal hydrides, Vanadium, Nitrogenases, Alkane hydroisomerization, Polymerization, Depolymerization, Alkane metathesis, Microwave, Porphyrinoids, Heteroporphyrins.

  • Kinetics and mechanisms of chemical reactions: Activated carbon, Adsorption isotherm, Kinetics, Platinum, Nanoparticle, Oxygen reduction reaction, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Biomass, Ironmaking, Direct reduction, Adsorption, Batch study, Defluoridation, Diffusion, Sorption, Reactive, Intraparticle diffusion, Sepiolite, Dye, Hydrogen reduction, Isothermal, Non-isothermal, Ilmenite, the effect of pH, Stability, Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), Second order rate constant, Degradation mechanism, Fused chemical reactions, Molecular modeling, Hydrogen ion catalysis, Paraffin remediation, Transformation products, Theoretical calculation.

  • Structure of inorganic and organic compounds: Chlorine, Kinetics, Product formation, Water treatment, Construction, and demolition waste, Elemental composition, Leaching, Organoiodine, Soil organic matter, X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), Biochar, Peroxymonosulfate, Organic pollutants, Sorption, hysteresis, Solar water disinfection, Photocatalytic disinfection, Photo treatment, Photocatalysis, Natural anions, Tap water, Modified geopolymers, Electrodialysis, Ion transport, Inorganic trace contaminant removal, Dissolved organic matter, Fouling, Groundwater/brackish water, Mixed metal oxides, Nanofiltration membranes, Humic substances, Divalent cations, Peracetic acid, Decay rate, Oxidative demand, Uncertainty analysis, Modification of Schottky barrier, Stokes shift, Micro Ranges of heterogeneity, Polyoxometalates, Paradodecatungstate-BTransition metal, Crystal structure.