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  • Discover the Premier Platform for Ecological Research: Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology

STM Journals

Published on May 28, 2024

Discover the Premier Platform for Ecological Research: Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology

In the dynamic field of ecological research, having a reputable platform to publish your findings is crucial. Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology (RRJOE) offers scientists, researchers, and academicians an exceptional venue for sharing their work with a global audience. Launched in 2013, RRJOE has consistently maintained its reputation as a high-impact, peer-reviewed journal specializing in various aspects of ecology, including reinforced plastics and polymer composites.

Why Choose RRJOE?

1. Broad Scope and High Impact

RRJOE covers a wide range of topics within the ecological sciences, ensuring that diverse research areas are represented. Whether your work focuses on environmental research, polymer composites, or reinforced plastics, RRJOE provides a comprehensive platform for your studies. With an impact factor of 6.172 (2022), the journal stands out in the field, reflecting its influence and the high quality of published articles.

2. Hybrid Open Access

One of the unique features of RRJOE is its hybrid open access model. This allows authors to choose between traditional subscription-based access or making their work freely available to all readers. This flexibility enhances the visibility and reach of your research, promoting greater dissemination and impact.

3. Rigorous Peer Review

Maintaining the integrity and quality of published research is a priority for RRJOE. The journal employs a thorough peer-review process, managed by an editorial board of practicing researchers from around the world. This ensures that each manuscript is evaluated by experts in the field, guaranteeing the publication of only the highest quality research.

4. Frequent Publication and Timely Dissemination

RRJOE publishes three issues per year, ensuring regular and timely dissemination of research findings. This frequent publication schedule allows for swift sharing of new knowledge and advancements in the field of ecology, keeping the scientific community and the public informed about the latest developments.

5. Comprehensive Author Support

Submitting your manuscript to RRJOE is a seamless process, supported by clear guidelines and dedicated editorial assistance. From initial submission through peer review and final publication, the journal provides comprehensive support to authors, ensuring a smooth and efficient publication experience.

6. Wide Indexing and Visibility

To maximize the reach and impact of your research, RRJOE is indexed in numerous databases, including Advanced Science Index, SCILIT, and Google Scholar. This extensive indexing ensures that your work is accessible to a broad audience of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers worldwide.

Join a Community of Leading Ecologists

By publishing with RRJOE, you become part of a distinguished community of researchers dedicated to advancing the field of ecology. The journal not only publishes original research but also welcomes review articles and special issue proposals, offering multiple avenues for contributing to the scientific discourse.

Submit Your Manuscript Today

If you are looking for a reputable and influential platform to publish your ecological research, look no further than Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology. With its broad scope, high impact, and commitment to quality, RRJOE is the ideal journal to showcase your work. Visit RRJOE Submission Page to learn more about the submission process and to submit your manuscript today.

Industry Information

  • Publisher: STM Journals, an imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.
  • Impact Factor: 6.172 (2022)
  • Indexed In: Advanced Science Index, SCILIT, Google Scholar
  • Issues Per Year: Three (January-April, May-August, September-December)


  • STM Journals. “Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology.” RRJOE.
  • Advanced Science Index. “Journal Impact Factors.” ASI.
Journal TitleWebsite URLJournal FeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
Research & Reviews: Journal of EcologyRRJOEPeer-reviewed, Hybrid Open Access, High Impact FactorFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript

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