A Study to Assess the Knowledge About Birth Spacing And Attitude Towards Using of Copper-T Among Women Age Group 20 to 30 Years in Selected Rural Area Anekal, with a View to Develop Information Booklet

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Leirentombi Devi,


Annie Annal,

  1. Professor, Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing Department, SEA College of Nursing, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  2. Head of Department, Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing Department, Sushrutha College of Nursing, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Introduction and Objectives: The time gap between one child’s birth date and the next child’s birth date is referred to as birth spacing. There are numerous factors to take into consideration while selecting the best period between pregnancies. Methodology: Descriptive survey approach was adopted, to collect the data. Structured knowledge questioner and attitude scale was administered to 100 women aged between 20–30 years based on purposive sampling technique at Anekal, Bangalore District. Results: majority of subjects (38%) belongs to the age of 20–30 years and only (26%) In the age category of 28–30 years, 28% of subjects have completed their education, with the majority (68%) belonging to this group Hindu religion and only 9% were christen and 68% of subjects were employed and 32% were unemployed. In relation to the income majority 34% women has above Rs. 6000 income and only 18% were has less than Rs. 2000 and majority 83% of subjects belong to nuclear family and only 17% belongs to joint family and majority 37% has information from printed material. The overall mean knowledge score was 60.43% with standard deviation 1.60 and majority (63.73%) has negative attitude towards copper-T and (54.86%) of participants has positive attitude. The overall mean was 57.52% with standard deviation 4.04. Conclusion: The present study revealed the women has moderate knowledge and negative attitude towards birth spacing and use of copper-T.

Keywords: Assess knowledge, birth spacing, attitude, copper-T, women between age group 20–30 years.

How to cite this article:
Leirentombi Devi, Annie Annal. A Study to Assess the Knowledge About Birth Spacing And Attitude Towards Using of Copper-T Among Women Age Group 20 to 30 Years in Selected Rural Area Anekal, with a View to Develop Information Booklet. International Journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Leirentombi Devi, Annie Annal. A Study to Assess the Knowledge About Birth Spacing And Attitude Towards Using of Copper-T Among Women Age Group 20 to 30 Years in Selected Rural Area Anekal, with a View to Develop Information Booklet. International Journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing. 2023; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijopnn/article=2023/view=92000

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Open Access Article
Received 02/03/2022
Accepted 09/03/2022
Published 09/01/2023