Open Access
Lingaraj G. Pujar,
- Principal, Vidyadayini College of Education, Harihar, Karnataka, India
The COVID-19 pandemic had a great outbreak not only on human lives but also on the economies. Arising economies like India had faced a greater impact of this pandemic because of its poor health infrastructure, poverty, population, and slowing growth rates. The government is taking various decisions to control this pandemic, but nobody knows is these decisions are sufficient or not, as this depend on when the virus is controlled in the country. But to formulate the correct policy and measures to control the economic impact it is necessary to understand the deep impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indian economy.
Keywords: E-learning, Indian education, information, communication technologies, technology
Lingaraj G. Pujar. E-learning: Issues and Challenges in Indian Education. NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems. 2023; ():-.
Lingaraj G. Pujar. E-learning: Issues and Challenges in Indian Education. NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems
Volume | |
Received | 12/04/2021 |
Accepted | 24/04/2021 |
Published | 24/04/2023 |