Simulation of Wavelength Division Multiplexing Based Fiber Optic Link by Using Different Types of Dispersion Compensating Fiber

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | | Page : –

    Pooja Mishra,

  1. Assistant Professor, Inderprastha Engineering College, Uttar Pradesh, India


Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) multiplies various optical signals on a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light at the transmitter end and demultiplex them into multiple opticalsignal at the receiver end. We want to improve overall system performance and reduced as much as possible the transmission performance influenced by the dispersion, several dispersion compensation technologies are involved. In this paper, we have studied the WDM based fiber optical link using dispersion compensating fiber techniques such as post, pre and mix compensation and their results will be compared on the basis of bit error rate and eye pattern obtained at the receiver.

Keywords: BER performance, dispersion compensated fiber (DCF), pre, post and mix compensation

How to cite this article:
Pooja Mishra. Simulation of Wavelength Division Multiplexing Based Fiber Optic Link by Using Different Types of Dispersion Compensating Fiber. Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Pooja Mishra. Simulation of Wavelength Division Multiplexing Based Fiber Optic Link by Using Different Types of Dispersion Compensating Fiber. Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 24/05/2021
Accepted 20/06/2021
Published 20/06/2023