Open Access
Mohit Faldu,
Kalpesh Chudasama,
Dhruvit Patel,
Ashish Shah,
- Student, A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, , India
- Associate Professor, A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, , India
- Student, A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, , India
- Assistant Professor, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, , India
The main objective of this paper is to implement the process of “Smart Home Automation” using various tools like mobile application, door security system, etc. thereby trying to increase the accessibility and comfort level of our customers while improving the security features and making the various processes cost efficient at the same time. This work mainly focused on making the accessibility of the various devices in a house easier for children, elders and disabled people. The described system uses communication, switching and relay components to monitor, control and switch on/switch off the appliances available in the house. The major component of the system is the Graphical User Interface application (GUI App) for the user, which communicates with the appliances using components like Bluetooth transceiver and Microcontroller. Here we can use IFTTT platform for use various equipment working whenever customer speaks onoff that will works.
Keywords: IOT, BLYNK, Ultrasonic Sensor, PIR Sensor, Water Level Sensor, NODE MCU 8266
Mohit Faldu, Kalpesh Chudasama, Dhruvit Patel, Ashish Shah. IOT Controlled Smart Home Automation System. Trends in Electrical Engineering. 2023; ():-.
Mohit Faldu, Kalpesh Chudasama, Dhruvit Patel, Ashish Shah. IOT Controlled Smart Home Automation System. Trends in Electrical Engineering. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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Trends in Electrical Engineering
Volume | |
Received | 21/02/2022 |
Accepted | 01/03/2022 |
Published | 01/01/2023 |