Nano-Enhanced Biosensors: Bridging the Gap in Early Disease Detection and Diagnosis

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 10-17

S. Anand,

  1. Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Infant Jesus College of Engineering, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India



This article provides an in-depth examination of nano-enhanced biosensors, a groundbreaking technology that combines nanotechnology and biosensing techniques to transform disease detection and diagnosis. These advanced sensors boast exceptional sensitivity, specificity, and rapid response times, enabling early detection and treatment of various medical conditions. The article covers the fundamental principles, current applications, and prospects of nano-enhanced biosensors in multiple medical domains, including recent research, experimental investigations, and case studies. It highlights the potential of these sensors to revolutionize healthcare diagnostics, improving patient outcomes and saving lives. The discussion also addresses the challenges associated with developing and implementing nano-enhanced biosensors, such as scalability, biocompatibility, and regulatory hurdles. Additionally, the article explores emerging trends that promise to further enhance the capabilities of these sensors, including advancements in nanomaterials, machine learning, and point-of-care diagnostics. This comprehensive overview provides valuable insights for researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers interested in cutting-edge advancements in medical diagnostics. By exploring the latest developments and future directions of nano-enhanced biosensors, readers can gain a deeper understanding of their potential to transform healthcare and improve patient care. The article serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to stay up-to-date on the latest innovations in medical diagnostics and their potential to address pressing healthcare challenges.

Keywords: Nano-enhanced biosensors, early disease detection, nanotechnology, medical diagnostics, healthcare innovation, nanoparticles, biomarkers, point-of-care testing, lab-on-a- chip, nanomaterials, biosensing techniques, electrochemical sensors, optical sensors, disease diagnosis, personalized medicine

[This article belongs to Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications (jonsnea)]

How to cite this article:
S. Anand. Nano-Enhanced Biosensors: Bridging the Gap in Early Disease Detection and Diagnosis. Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications. 2024; 14(02):10-17.
How to cite this URL:
S. Anand. Nano-Enhanced Biosensors: Bridging the Gap in Early Disease Detection and Diagnosis. Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications. 2024; 14(02):10-17. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received September 6, 2024
Accepted September 9, 2024
Published September 20, 2024

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