Nanotechnology in Context of Environment and Industrial Development: A Review

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 7-14

Shaweta Chandel,

  1. Assistant Professor,, Department of Chemistry, Govt. Degree College, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India, ,



Climate change and sustainable development with context to environment has been one of the main
concerns and challenges of 21st century. Industrialization and development go hand in hand, so we
need to devise green synthetic routes so that our environment stays protected. In the past two decades,
there has been significant advancement in the field of nanotechnology. Many cost-effective methods
have been devised for large-scale production. Significant improvements have been made in synthetic
routes as to make production more research friendly. In the 21st century, sustainable development is
every country’s responsibility. Industrialization, nanotechnology, and development go hand in hand, so
we need to devise green synthetic routes so that our environment stays protected. One thing to be
considered is that in the present era of industrialization, nanotechnology cannot be confined to research
labs or small-scale enterprises. Nanotechnology has widely been used in various industries, namely,
pharmaceutical industry to synthesize nanomedicines, in agriculture industry (carbon sequestration as
one of the applications in agriculture), civil engineering, environmental remediation (nano sensors are
being used to combat pollution), automobile industry, food industry, and even cosmetic industry.
Nanotechnology has promoted the use of renewable energy by creating solar panels which are more
efficient and cheaper. Silicon chips are being replaced by nanochips at atomic level in electronics
industry. In food industry too, nano biosensors are being used to detect microbes, pathogens in the food
and their antioxidant properties increase the shelf life of food. In this paper, how nanotechnology has
played a significant role in combating pollution, carbon sequestration, phytoremediation, green
chemistry and industrial applications with some potential industrial and environmental limitations have
been discussed.

Keywords: Nanotechnology, environment, photocatalysis, carbon sequestration, phytoremediation, green chemistry

[This article belongs to Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering (joise)]

How to cite this article:
Shaweta Chandel. Nanotechnology in Context of Environment and Industrial Development: A Review. Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering. 2024; 11(02):7-14.
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Shaweta Chandel. Nanotechnology in Context of Environment and Industrial Development: A Review. Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering. 2024; 11(02):7-14. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received July 27, 2024
Accepted August 30, 2024
Published August 2, 2024

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