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  • Why Publish in NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems?

STM Journals

Published on June 25, 2024

Why Publish in NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems?

Are you a researcher or professional in the field of management information systems looking for a reputable journal to publish your work? The NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems (NJMIS) is your ideal destination. This esteemed journal provides a robust platform for discussing new issues in business globalization and information technology.

Focus and Scope

NJMIS is dedicated to advancing knowledge in management information systems. The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to management systems, data analysis, IT management, and the integration of technology in business processes. Whether you’re exploring the latest trends in IT or presenting case studies on technology implementation, NJMIS welcomes a diverse range of manuscripts.

Why Choose NJMIS?

  1. Peer-Reviewed Excellence: NJMIS maintains rigorous peer-review standards to ensure the publication of high-quality research. Each submission undergoes thorough evaluation by experts in the field, guaranteeing that only the most impactful studies are published.
  2. Hybrid Open Access: NJMIS offers a hybrid open-access model, making your research accessible to a wider audience while maintaining the option for traditional subscription access. This model ensures that your work reaches both academic and professional communities.
  3. International Editorial Board: Our editorial board comprises experienced researchers and professionals from around the globe. This diversity ensures a comprehensive review process and global relevance of published articles.
  4. Regular Publication Schedule: NJMIS publishes bi-annually, providing timely dissemination of research findings. This regular schedule helps authors stay current with the latest developments in management information systems.
  5. High Impact Factor: With a notable impact factor, NJMIS is recognized for its influence and contribution to the field. Publishing with us enhances the visibility and credibility of your research.

Submission Guidelines

Submitting your manuscript to NJMIS is a straightforward process. The journal accepts a variety of manuscript types, including original research papers, review articles, case studies, and technical notes. Detailed submission guidelines are available on the journal’s website.

Join Our Community

Publishing in NJMIS not only advances your career but also contributes to the broader community of management information systems researchers. By sharing your findings, you help shape the future of this dynamic field.

Industry Information and References

The journal is indexed in reputable databases like Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, and Scientific Literature (SCILIT). These indexings ensure that your research is easily discoverable and accessible to scholars worldwide.


For researchers in management information systems, NJMIS offers an unparalleled platform for disseminating high-quality research. The journal’s commitment to excellence, accessibility, and global reach makes it a top choice for authors. Submit your manuscript today and join a community dedicated to advancing knowledge in business globalization and information technology.


Journal TitleJournal URLJournal FeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information SystemsNJMISPeer-reviewed, hybrid open access, bi-annual publicationFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript

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