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  • Boost Your Research Impact with the International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing

STM Journals

Published on June 7, 2024

Boost Your Research Impact with the International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing

In the rapidly evolving field of manufacturing, staying ahead of the curve means keeping up with the latest research and technological advancements. The International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing (IJCAM) offers an excellent platform for researchers and professionals to publish their findings and contribute to the body of knowledge in this dynamic field.


Launched in 2015, IJCAM is a peer-reviewed, hybrid open-access journal that publishes two issues per year. It focuses on a wide range of topics within computer-aided manufacturing, including CAD/CAM, industrial automation, robotics, and the application of artificial intelligence in manufacturing processes. With an impact factor of 5.986 for 2022, IJCAM is recognized for its high-quality publications and significant contribution to the field.

Why Publish with IJCAM?

  1. High Visibility and Impact: Indexed in Google Scholar, SCILIT, and other reputable databases, IJCAM ensures your research reaches a broad audience. The journal’s high impact factor demonstrates its influence and the quality of the articles it publishes.
  2. Wide Scope: IJCAM covers a diverse range of topics, from traditional CAD/CAM to the latest advancements in AI and robotics. This makes it a valuable resource for researchers in various areas of mechanical engineering and manufacturing.
  3. Expert Editorial Board: The journal boasts a distinguished editorial board comprising experts from around the globe, ensuring that each manuscript is reviewed by knowledgeable professionals in the field.
  4. Hybrid Open Access: IJCAM offers a hybrid open-access model, providing flexibility for authors in choosing how to publish their work. This model combines traditional subscription-based access with the option for open access, increasing the visibility and accessibility of your research.

Submission Guidelines

Submitting a manuscript to IJCAM is straightforward. The journal’s submission guidelines provide detailed instructions on preparing your manuscript, ensuring it meets the journal’s standards. IJCAM accepts a variety of manuscripts, including original research articles, review articles, and case studies.

Join the Community of Leading Researchers

Publishing with IJCAM not only enhances your professional reputation but also contributes to the advancement of manufacturing technologies. The journal’s commitment to high-quality, impactful research makes it an ideal venue for disseminating your work.


If you are a researcher in the field of computer-aided manufacturing, consider submitting your next manuscript to the International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing. With its rigorous peer-review process, high visibility, and comprehensive scope, IJCAM provides an excellent platform for showcasing your research and making a significant impact in the field.

Industry Information and References

  • JournalsPub: Publisher of IJCAM, an imprint of Dhruv Infosystems Pvt. Ltd.
  • Google Scholar: Database indexing IJCAM articles.
  • SCILIT: Scientific literature database indexing IJCAM.
  • Submission Guidelines: Detailed instructions for submitting manuscripts to IJCAM.
  • Impact Factor: Source for the impact factor of IJCAM.

Journal Information Table

Journal TitleWebsite URLJournal FeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
International Journal of Computer Aided ManufacturingIJCAMPeer-reviewed, Hybrid Open Access, High Impact FactorFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript

By following these guidelines and utilizing the provided information, you can enhance your manuscript’s chances of being published in one of the leading journals in the field of computer-aided manufacturing.

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