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International Journal of Education Sciences


Focus and Scope

About the Journal

The International Journal of Education Sciences is a peer-reviewed open-access journal launched in 2024 that aims to publish high-quality research in the field of education. The journal’s focus is on original research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in education and related disciplines. IJES welcomes contributions from researchers, educators, and practitioners from around the world.IJES aims to publish articles that are both theoretically rigorous and empirically sound. The journal’s editorial board comprises leading scholars in education and related fields, who bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the review process. IJES also provides authors with timely and constructive feedback on their submissions, with a commitment to maintaining the highest standards of academic rigor and integrity.

Focus and Scope

  • Educational psychology: Learning, Motivation, Instruction, Cognition, Memory, Attention, Perception, Emotion, Intelligence, Development, Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback, Self-regulation, Metacognition, Transfer, Problem-solving, Creativity, Diversity, Inclusion.
  • Curriculum and instruction: Curriculum Design, Curriculum Development, Curriculum Evaluation, Instructional design, Instructional strategies, Teaching methods, Pedagogy, Andragogy, Bloom’s taxonomy, Differentiation, Assessment for learning, Formative assessment, Summative assessment, Authentic assessment, Rubrics, Feedback, Student engagement, Active Learning, Cooperative Learning, Project-based learning.
  • Assessment and evaluation: Assessment design, Test development, Standardized tests, Performance assessments, Authentic assessments, Rubrics, Grading, Feedback, Formative assessment, Summative assessment, Criterion-referenced assessment, Norm-referenced assessment, Validity, Reliability, Fairness, Bias, Item analysis, Assessment literacy, Assessment data analysis, Evaluation design.
  • Educational technology: E-learning, Blended learning, Online learning, Digital literacy, Digital citizenship, Educational software, Learning management systems, Mobile learning, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Gamification, Social media in education, Educational apps, Adaptive learning, Artificial intelligence in education, Computer-assisted instruction, Technology Integration, Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), Flipped learning, Educational technology research.
  • Teacher education and professional development: Teacher training, Teacher education programs, Professional Development, Continuing education, Pedagogical knowledge, Content knowledge, Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), Reflective practice, Mentoring, Coaching, Action research, Teacher Collaboration, Teacher efficacy, Teacher identity, Teacher beliefs, Teacher motivation, In-service training, Pre-service training, Teacher Certification, Teacher retention.
  • Education policy and leadership: Education policy analysis, Policy development, Policy implementation, Policy evaluation, Education law, Education finance, Educational governance, Educational leadership, School leadership, Transformational leadership, Instructional leadership, Distributed leadership, Education Administration, Educational accountability, Education reform, Educational equity, Education standards, Education Advocacy, Education lobbying, Education policy research.
  • International and comparative education: Global Education, International Education, Cross-cultural education, Comparative Education, Education policy in different countries, Educational systems in different countries, Education and Development, Education and globalization, Education and social justice, Education and human rights, Education and migration, Transnational education, Multicultural education, Intercultural Education, International student mobility, International education standards, International education assessment, International education evaluation, Educational diplomacy, International education research.


  • Education research
  • Educational psychology
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Educational technology
  • Teacher education and professional development
  • Education Policy and Leadership
  • International and comparative education
  • Learning science
  • Instructional design
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • Learning theories
  • Educational measurement
  • Educational statistics
  • Educational data mining
  • Educational assessment
  • Educational program evaluation
  • Educational management and administration
  • Educational innovation.