Animated Transient Response of High Voltage Power Line Towers Equipped with Nonlinear Footing Resistances

Year : 2024 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 01 | Page : 44-52

    Mohamed M. Saied,

  1. Professor (Emeritus), Department of Electrical Engineering, Kuwait University, Independent Researcher, IEEE Life Senior Member, Giza,, Cairo, Egypt


This study focuses, among other objectives, on the use of animation techniques for visualizing the electromagnetic transients in high voltage power line towers. The model includes parameters such as the tower’s footing resistance and its location-dependent surge impedance. It describes the governing algebraic/partial differential equations expressed in terms of the current and voltage distributions as functions of time and location. The transients are assumed initiated by a lightning discharge of a given time waveform, which is mostly of a double-exponential shape that exhibits a distinct peak value as well as a wave-front and a wave-tail of durations in the microsecond range. The wave form can be described in terms of two-time constants. The computer code is written in the Mathematica programming language (Versions 11 & 12). It solves the above equations numerically using one of the known computer codes for the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform. A listing of this code is given in the Appendix of this paper. Moreover, this paper introduces the use of an animation technique as an additional vehicle for investigating the tower transients. It augments previously published single- and three-dimensional as well as the pertinent contour plots available in the literature. The presented model and computer code can handle both linear and nonlinear tower footing resistances. The obtained results indicate that by using animations alongside other visualization tools, a deeper understanding of complex systems like high voltage power line towers can be gained. It is believed that the investigation can be of great help to the researchers and practicing electrical power engineers and trainees specialized in power system protection and high voltage technology.

Keywords: High voltage line towers, overhead, lightning, surges, grounding, earthing, electrode, transients, electromagnetic, numerical solutions, mathematica, inverse laplace transform, animation, voltage and current distributions, footing resistance, non-linear. temporal and spatial distributions

[This article belongs to Trends in Electrical Engineering (tee)]

How to cite this article:
Mohamed M. Saied. Animated Transient Response of High Voltage Power Line Towers Equipped with Nonlinear Footing Resistances. Trends in Electrical Engineering. 2024; 14(01):44-52.
How to cite this URL:
Mohamed M. Saied. Animated Transient Response of High Voltage Power Line Towers Equipped with Nonlinear Footing Resistances. Trends in Electrical Engineering. 2024; 14(01):44-52. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received 29/02/2024
Accepted 04/04/2024
Published 15/04/2024