Overview of Recent Advancement of Nano Stent in Pharmaceutical Application

Year : 2024 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 22-43

    A. Mohamed Sikkander,

  1. Associate Professor and Head, Velammal Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India


Interventional cardiology has witnessed remarkable progress with the evolution of nanotechnology, leading to the development of nanostents. Nanostents, characterized by their nanoscale features and innovative materials, have emerged as a cutting-edge solution for addressing the limitations associated with traditional stent technologies. This thorough analysis examines the most recent developments in the design, manufacture, and use of nanostents, emphasizing how they may completely transform vascular interventions. The first section of the review provides an overview of the nonmaterial’s employed in nanostent construction, including biocompatible polymers, advanced alloys, and bioresorbable elements. These materials contribute to enhanced biocompatibility, reduced inflammation, and improved long-term outcomes. The incorporation of nanoscale surface modifications further optimizes the interaction between the nanostent and the vascular environment, promoting quicker endothelialization and minimizing the risk of restenosis. The second part of the review delves into the engineering innovations that have enabled the development of smart nanostents. These devices are equipped with sensors and actuators, allowing for real-time monitoring of vascular conditions and responsive adjustments to optimize therapeutic outcomes. Additionally, the integration of nanotechnology enables precise drug delivery strategies, ensuring targeted and controlled release of pharmaceutical agents to the site of intervention. Clinical studies and preclinical experiments supporting the efficacy and safety of nanostents are systematically reviewed in the third section. Comparative analyses with conventional stents reveal promising results, showcasing the potential of nano stents in reducing complications, such as thrombosis and restenosis, while improving patient outcomes.

Keywords: Nanoscale, Blocked artery, Micro fabrication techniques, Anti-proliferative drugs, Antiproliferative drugs.

[This article belongs to Trends in Drug Delivery (tdd)]

How to cite this article:
A. Mohamed Sikkander. Overview of Recent Advancement of Nano Stent in Pharmaceutical Application. Trends in Drug Delivery. 2024; 11(01):22-43.
How to cite this URL:
A. Mohamed Sikkander. Overview of Recent Advancement of Nano Stent in Pharmaceutical Application. Trends in Drug Delivery. 2024; 11(01):22-43. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/tdd/article=2024/view=144669

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received 07/03/2024
Accepted 29/03/2024
Published 30/04/2024