An Energy efficient routing algorithm for heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume :8 | Issue : 1 | Page : 1-9

Priti Dwivedi

Ashok Kumar Rai2,

  1. Student Buddha Institute of technology Gorakhpur (U.P) India
  2. Assistant Professor Buddha Institute of technology Gorakhpur (U.P) India


Wireless sensing network is con- sisting of sensors and sink that is self- organized and infrastructure less network. En- ergy plays a very important role for the life- time, coverage and connectivity of network. In this paper, proposed protocol has two level heterogeneous wireless sensor network in which Residual Energy and distance of node from base station in which every sensing ele- ment node is taking into account to maximize the life time of network. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol improves the performance of network.

Keywords: Base Station, Cluster Head, Dis- tance, Residual energy, Wireless sensor net- work.

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Sensor Research & Technology(rtsrt)]

How to cite this article: Priti Dwivedi, Ashok Kumar Rai2,. An Energy efficient routing algorithm for heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network. Recent Trends in Sensor Research & Technology. 2023; 8(1):1-9.
How to cite this URL: Priti Dwivedi, Ashok Kumar Rai2,. An Energy efficient routing algorithm for heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network. Recent Trends in Sensor Research & Technology. 2023; 8(1):1-9. Available from:

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Regular Issue Open Access Article
Volume 8
Issue 1
Received May 1, 2021
Accepted May 25, 2021
Published May 25, 2023