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Avhaan Narang,
- Student, Department of computer science, The Daly College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Serverless edge computing is revolutionizing app development by creativity in infrastructure management. However, traditional cloud-based serverless architectures can suffer from latency and reliability issues when serving users at the edge of the network. While edge computing brings storage and computing closer to data sources, upgrading performance and reducing network issues. This paper explores the convergence of serverless edge computing, examining the opportunities and challenges that arise from this integration. Delving into the technical challenges, such as cold start optimization, security, and network connectivity, that must be addressed to effectively deploy serverless functions at the edge. Along with that, exploring the potential benefits, including reduced latency, better reliability, and enhanced privacy.
By leveraging serverless functions at the edge, organizations can unlock new possibilities for real-time applications, IoT devices, and autonomous systems. As concluded, a proposal or a new methodology of Calculating and distributing exam results of students to their respective parents using Serverless Edge Computing is made. And, outlining future research directions and best practices for building robust and efficient serverless edge applications.
Keywords: serverless edge computing, serverless architecture, Results distribution, Cost-effective, Function as a Service, Hybrid cloud
[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Parallel Computing (rtpc)]
Avhaan Narang. Bringing Serverless and Edge to School Administration: Challenges and Opportunities. Recent Trends in Parallel Computing. 2025; 12(01):-.
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Recent Trends in Parallel Computing
Volume | 12 |
Issue | 01 |
Received | 24/12/2024 |
Accepted | 08/01/2025 |
Published | 10/01/2025 |