Bioethanol and Beyond: A Comprehensive Review on Sustainable Biofuels for Global Energy Demands and Environmental Conservation

Year : | Volume : 01 | Issue : | Page : –

    Kaushiky Sharma


This comprehensive review explores the concept of “biofuels,” specifically focusing on energy-
enriched chemicals generated through biological processes or derived from the biomass of living
organisms, including microalgae, plants, and bacteria. As the global population continues to
increase, there is a growing demand for more energy supplies to enhance the quality of life.
Biofuels, harnessed from various sources such as sugar, starch, and organic waste, have emerged
as potential solutions to meet the escalating global energy demand. The paper emphasizes
bioethanol, a renewable fuel produced through fermentation, as a significant biofuel that can be
blended with gasoline to reduce vehicle emissions and reliance on foreign oil.

Highlighting the importance of bioethanol in substituting petrol fuel for road transport vehicles,
the paper discusses the top five countries in bioethanol production, emphasizing the need for
alternative biomass sources to meet the rising demand. Additionally, the study delves into the
environmental benefits of bioethanol, which produces lower emissions of carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxides, and CO2 compared to fossil fuels, contributing to efforts to mitigate global
warming. The review concludes by addressing the sustainability challenges posed by the
fermentation of economically important cultivars and underscores the potential of plant leftovers
and agro-energy crops as low-cost, long-term biomaterials for biofuel production, offering a
promising avenue for sustainable energy resources and addressing environmental concerns
associated with fossil fuel combustion.

Keywords: Biofuels, environmental issues, fermentation, Bioethanol, biomass

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Subscription Review Article
Received December 16, 2023
Accepted December 18, 2023

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