Gajanan Sapate
In the past few decades, comprehensive evidence has convincingly established
the presence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) as a minor subset within tumors, contributing to an
unusually elevated level of cellular diversity within the malignancy. CSCs are functionally
identified by their capacity for self-renewal and differentiation, frequently influenced by
signals from their surrounding microenvironment. The interconnected transcriptional, post-
transcriptional, metabolic, and epigenetic regulatory networks govern the biological
characteristics of CSCs. CSCs contribute to tumor growth, therapeutic resistance, and
disease recurrence by prolonged proliferation, invasion into normal tissue, angiogenesis
enhancement, immune system evasion, and resistance to traditional anticancer therapy. As a
result, understanding the molecular pathways behind cancer stem cell persistence,
adaptability, and therapeutic resistance would increase our capacity to improve treatment.
Keywords: Cancer, Cancer stem cells, Tumor microenvironment, therapy resistance, Future perspectives.
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Characteristics of the cancer stem cell niche and therapeutic strategies. Stem Cell Research
& Therapy. 2022 Dec;13(1):1-7.
Volume | |
Issue | |
Received | December 4, 2023 |
Accepted | December 16, 2023 |
Published |
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