An Approach towards in Management of Chronic Kidney Disease

Year : 2023 | Volume :12 | Issue : 01 | Page : 9-15

V.S. Dubey

S. Zine

  1. Research Scholar Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vivekananda Education Society College of Pharmacy (Affiliated to University of Mumbai), Chembur Maharashtra India
  2. Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vivekananda Education Society College of Pharmacy (Affiliated to University of Mumbai), Chembur, Mumbai Maharashtra India


The current international guidelines define and classify the chronic kidney disease (CKD) as decreased kidney function shown by decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Glomerular filtration rate of 60 ml/min/1.73 m 2 for at least 3 months is a marker for kidney damage. The underlying causes for chronic kidney disease are proteinuria and hypertension. It is the main cause of CKD in many high-, middle- and low-income countries. In different countries, the incidences and progression of the CKD vary by ethnicity and social determinants of health, possibly through epigenetic influences. Many people have the symptoms of itching, loss of appetite and lethargy. When symptoms become severe, diagnosis is done by small screening (urinary dipstick or blood test). The best indicator of kidney function is GFR. There are many complications which occur during the CKD such as anemia due to decreased production of erythropoietin by renal; and mineral bone disease due to disturbances in the metabolism of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate, reduced red blood cell survival and iron deficiency. CKD patients are five or ten times more likely to die prematurely because there is a progress in end renal stage disease. Interventions are there to target the specific symptoms and aimed at educational supporting or change in standard of living, make a positive difference with CKD patients’ lifestyle. There is some treatment in Ayurvedic system for CKD.

Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, proteinuria, hypertension, progression, Ayurvedic drugs

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmaceutical Science(rrjops)]

How to cite this article: V.S. Dubey, S. Zine. An Approach towards in Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 12(01):9-15.
How to cite this URL: V.S. Dubey, S. Zine. An Approach towards in Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 12(01):9-15. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Article
Volume 12
Issue 01
Received January 20, 2021
Accepted March 22, 2021
Published March 22, 2023