A True Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Low Self-Esteem Among B.Sc. 1St Year Students in Pt. Jwala Prasad Upadhyay Govt. College Patna, Korea (C.G.)

Year : 2025 | Volume :15 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-4

Deeptika Naincy Kushwaha,

  1. Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Govt. College of Nursing, Ambikapur, Surguja, Chattisgarh, India

Abstract document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’,function(){frmFrontForm.scrollToID(‘frm_container_abs_130855’);});Edit Abstract & Keyword

Self-esteem is vital for an individual’s well-being and quality of life. Struggling with low self-esteem can lead to negative behaviors and unfavorable outcomes. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a well-established psychological approach, effectively addresses mental health issues like low self-esteem. By focusing on unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors, CBT supports individuals in fostering a more positive self-image and enhancing emotional health. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of CBT in enhancing self-esteem among first-year B.Sc. students at Pt. Jwala Prasad Upadhyay Govt. College, Patna, Korea (C.G.). Objectives included assessing self-esteem levels pre- and post-intervention in experimental and control groups, evaluating the impact of CBT, and exploring relationships between post-test scores and socio-demographic factors. The study adopted Kenny’s open system model and involved 50 randomly selected students. Data collection tools included Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale and the triple column technique, with tool reliability confirmed (r = 0.93). Findings indicated a significant improvement in self-esteem after CBT, with mean scores rising from 12.64 to 24.06. The effect of CBT was statistically significant (“Z” = –24.59), while socio-demographic variables showed no significant influence. These results underscore the importance of implementing school- or college-based initiatives to enhance students’ self-esteem and equip them to manage academic stress effectively.

Keywords: B.Sc. students, Cognitive behavioral therapy, effect, self-esteem, Emotional well-being, Experimental study

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Neuroscience (rrjons)]

How to cite this article:
Deeptika Naincy Kushwaha. A True Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Low Self-Esteem Among B.Sc. 1St Year Students in Pt. Jwala Prasad Upadhyay Govt. College Patna, Korea (C.G.). Research & Reviews: A Journal of Neuroscience. 2025; 15(01):1-4.
How to cite this URL:
Deeptika Naincy Kushwaha. A True Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Low Self-Esteem Among B.Sc. 1St Year Students in Pt. Jwala Prasad Upadhyay Govt. College Patna, Korea (C.G.). Research & Reviews: A Journal of Neuroscience. 2025; 15(01):1-4. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rrjons/article=2025/view=0


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 15
Issue 01
Received 10/12/2024
Accepted 23/12/2024
Published 03/01/2025