Javeed Maniyar,
Nyamatulla Patel,
- Student, Department of Master of Computer Application, SECAB Institute of Engineering and Technology Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
- Associate Professor, Department of Master of Computer Application, SECAB Institute of Engineering and Technology Vijayapur, Karnataka, India
Remote learning has taken residence owing to the effect of COVID-19. Despite the details and many educational institutes were compulsory to close, students were able to complete their degrees using online platforms. Exams, on the other hand, remain unsolved. It’s been modified to a copy-and-paste assignment form for around, while others have just canceled them. If our current lifestyle is to become the new standard, there necessity to be a remedy. If the test-taker is gazing to the left, right, or up, we’ll be able to tell if he’s doing copy so to check out a notepad or indicate to someone. Further image processing may be finished using Dribs’ face key point detector and OpenCV. For detecting webcam streams, we used the pre-trained weights of YOLOv3, which was trained on the COCO dataset. In this method, we did the authentication of the exam taker during the online examination.
Keywords: Monitoring system, online exams, remote learning, proctoring technology, YOLOv3 and OpenCV
[This article belongs to Journal of Web Engineering & Technology (jowet)]
Javeed Maniyar, Nyamatulla Patel. Monitoring System for Students During Online Exams. Journal of Web Engineering & Technology. 2024; 11(03):22-29.
Javeed Maniyar, Nyamatulla Patel. Monitoring System for Students During Online Exams. Journal of Web Engineering & Technology. 2024; 11(03):22-29. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jowet/article=2024/view=180545
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Journal of Web Engineering & Technology
Volume | 11 |
Issue | 03 |
Received | 12/09/2024 |
Accepted | 27/09/2024 |
Published | 29/10/2024 |