Building the Future: Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Design


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Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : 41-50

Jay Bhagat,


Prof. Heta Shah,


Yash Patel,

  1. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sud-chemie India Private Limited, New Delhi, India
  2. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sud-chemie India Private Limited, New Delhi, India
  3. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sud-chemie India Private Limited, New Delhi, India

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The research paper aims to present an extensive study of energy-efficient green buildings with a focus on the latest technologies, strategies and hence their environmental and economic consequences. It dives deep into what green building is, including 1) site sustainability, 2) energy efficiency, 3) water efficiency, 4), material efficiency, and 5)design. The paper discusses how green buildings are planned, in a way to consume the least amount of energy and leave the smallest environmental impact, through the use of renewable energy systems, passive design strategies (considering factors such as orientation and layout), efficient HVAC systems (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Systems), smart technologies (to automate and control building components for efficiency) and also Green Roofs, Bio-walls or Geothermal Systems with an appropriate use of natural light. We also delve into how building form and orientation can be manipulated to increase energy and light generation. The societal advantages of green building, such as lower carbon emissions and better preservation of natural resources, are not fully highlighted. The paper highlights that green building is a significant contributor in addressing climate change and achieving sustainable development battle. It presents four key approaches to reducing energy consumption and mitigating CO₂ emissions in buildings: a) incorporating passive design principles that harness solar energy, b) utilizing low-embodied energy materials, c) employing energy-efficient appliances to reduce operational energy use, and d) integrating renewable energy technologies. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes the essential role energy-efficient green buildings play in addressing climate change and advancing sustainable development. Through a detailed exploration of various technologies and strategies, it highlights the necessity of adopting energy-efficient approaches in both the design and operation of modern buildings.

Keywords: Energy efficiency, HVAC systems, solar energy, climate change, green buildings.

[This article belongs to Journal of Thermal Engineering and Applications (jotea)]

How to cite this article:
Jay Bhagat, Prof. Heta Shah, Yash Patel. Building the Future: Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Design. Journal of Thermal Engineering and Applications. 2024; 11(03):41-50.
How to cite this URL:
Jay Bhagat, Prof. Heta Shah, Yash Patel. Building the Future: Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Design. Journal of Thermal Engineering and Applications. 2024; 11(03):41-50. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received 21/09/2024
Accepted 09/10/2024
Published 19/11/2024