Thermal Spray Coating an alternative coating solution in place of The Traditional Hot Dipped Galvanizing Process in Present Industrial Scenario

Year : 2024 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 03 | Page : 08-15

    Indravadan Dave,

  • Urvesh Vala,

  1. Research Scholar, Gujarat Technical University, Ahmedabad and Head, Material Engineering and Technology, L&T Energy Hydrocarbon Engineering Limited, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  2. Head, Metallurgy Engineering, Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India


In present scenario the Thermal Spray Coating is prestigious alternative solution to replace traditional Hot Dipped Galvanizing Coating as an alternative solution for new and existing structures in industries and offering a range of benefits for long durability and maintenance free solution for more than 25 years in service. There is no weld life for site application in case of Hot Dip Galvanized Structure and may customers have issue with coating performance and applicability of liquid coating or cold spray application on Hot Dip Galvanizing for repair application. Thermal Spray Coating can apply very safely, maintenance can be possible at site, easy application as compared to Hot Dip Galvanizing and excepted by many Customers Specifications as an alternative solution to the traditional Hot Dip Galvanizing Coating. Thermal Spray Coating is an anti-corrosive protection used for very long life of the coating for onshore and offshore structures, equipment’s and piping. Thermal Spray Coating is the only coating system recognized by international code and standards having desired service life of more than 25 years to its first maintenance cycle time in very aggressive environment like offshore platform where aggressive corrosive environment is the great challenge to the end users. This paper covers the comparison of Thermal Spray Metallic Coating with traditionally used Hot Dipped Galvanized Coating and summarizes the merits of using a more advanced coating system. Thermal Spray Coating can be applied by anyone of the following coating methods, Arc Spray, Flame Spray and High Velocity Oxygen Fuel, High Velocity Air Fuel, Atmospheric Plasma Spray, Vacuum Plasma Spray, Cold Spray, etc. Many more thermal coating methods can be considered to optimize the cost of Coating Application for Oil & Gas Refineries, Petrochemical Complex, Marine, Shipping Industries, Power Sector including Nuclear Plant. Thermal Spray Coating can be applied with the help of filler material starting from pure metals, alloys, ceramic, composite, etc. in the form of wire and powders. Thermal Spray Coating can be applied to any metal and non-metal surface with, or little surface preparation based on the type of coating thickness to be applied.

Keywords: Thermal Spray Coating, Hot Dipped Galvanizing, Coating, HDG, TSA, HVOF, TSC, Plasma Spray, etc.,

[This article belongs to Journal of Thin Films, Coating Science Technology & Application (jotcsta)]

How to cite this article:
Indravadan Dave, Urvesh Vala. Thermal Spray Coating an alternative coating solution in place of The Traditional Hot Dipped Galvanizing Process in Present Industrial Scenario. Journal of Thin Films, Coating Science Technology & Application. 2024; 11(03):08-15.
How to cite this URL:
Indravadan Dave, Urvesh Vala. Thermal Spray Coating an alternative coating solution in place of The Traditional Hot Dipped Galvanizing Process in Present Industrial Scenario. Journal of Thin Films, Coating Science Technology & Application. 2024; 11(03):08-15. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received 03/10/2024
Accepted 31/10/2024
Published 25/11/2024