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Omkar Aher,
Mr. Debraj Bhowmick,
Dr. D.B.Pardeshi,
- Student, Department of Electrical Engineering Sanjivani College of Engineering Kopargoan, Maharashtra, India
- Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering Sanjivani College of Engineering Kopargoan, Maharashtra, India
- Head of the Deaprtment, Department of Electrical Engineering Sanjivani College of Engineering Kopargoan, Maharashtra, India
In this paper presents information about the transformer as a multi-based investor. We are using the proposel of the 9-level invertor. In this inverter we are used the various type of switches. Such operation will be used of this transformer, we give input of one dc voltage source to output is the good quality of power. For the 9-level invertor one input as dc source will give the 9 level of the voltage. The second topic present types of topologies like cascadel type of topology and diode clamped type of topology. We get the complete analysis of the operation of the invertor and structure, and design of the transformer as a invertor. The new topologies like symmetric topology and asymmetric topology are concluded in this paper. The paper concludes that the comparision of the invertor will be shown. We will see the specifications like uses and etc. The discussion on the future is concluded. The main reason for this paper is to understand the technique and methods of implementation based on the transformer, output of power will be more or the quality & pure power.
Keywords: Invertor, transformer, voltage, topology, circuit, level, switch
[This article belongs to Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems (jopeps)]
Omkar Aher, Mr. Debraj Bhowmick, Dr. D.B.Pardeshi. A 9-level type as multi-based invertor of the transformer and types of topolgy with analysis & comparision.. Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems. 2024; 15(01):11-20.
Omkar Aher, Mr. Debraj Bhowmick, Dr. D.B.Pardeshi. A 9-level type as multi-based invertor of the transformer and types of topolgy with analysis & comparision.. Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems. 2024; 15(01):11-20. Available from:
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Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems
Volume | 15 |
Issue | 01 |
Received | 08/10/2024 |
Accepted | 20/12/2024 |
Published | 27/12/2024 |