Optical Along with Magnetic Properties of Doped Nano-Structured Mos2 Nano-Films by Spin Coating

Open Access

Year : 2025 | Volume :13 | Special Issue : 01 | Page : 297-302

Rashmi Singh,

  1. Assistant Professor, Department. of Physics, Institute of Applied Sciences & Humanities IAH, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India


The supernatant containing 2D nano-flakes of Molybdenum di-sulphide (MoS2) are synthesized and collected using wet chemical synthesis process. The dispersed MoS2 nano-flakes solution is having strong absorbance values at 627 nm and 690 nm conforming to an energy band gap BG of 1.79 eV and 1.98 eV. Thereafter, MoS2 thin films with and without magnetic doping (cobalt) are deposited on n type silicon by spin coating technique. These samples are placed in the quartz boat then and annealed in a thermal furnace at 260oC for 40 min in Nitrogen gas environment. The AFM imaging of these samples revealed average lateral dimensions of nano-flakes to be from 100 to 200 nm. The magnetization curves with respect to the applied field for both samples are studied using Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). The VSM measurements, conducted at room temperature, verified the presence of the magnetic property that was introduced, as well as the hysteresis loop, in the thin films of Cobalt-doped MoS2.

Keywords: MoS2, wet chemical synthesis, thin film deposition, spin coating, optical properties, magnetic properties

[This article belongs to Special Issue under section in Journal of Polymer and Composites (jopc)]

How to cite this article:
Rashmi Singh. Optical Along with Magnetic Properties of Doped Nano-Structured Mos2 Nano-Films by Spin Coating. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; 13(01):297-302.
How to cite this URL:
Rashmi Singh. Optical Along with Magnetic Properties of Doped Nano-Structured Mos2 Nano-Films by Spin Coating. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; 13(01):297-302. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jopc/article=2024/view=188222

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Special Issue Open Access Original Research
Volume 13
Special Issue 01
Received 19/04/2024
Accepted 14/05/2024
Published 08/11/2024