Air Touch Mouse Interface

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-16

Sheetal Nilawar

Yashswini Inamdar

Charusheela Pandit

  1. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Khalapur Maharashtra India
  2. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Khalapur Maharashtra India
  3. Assistant Professor Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Khalapur Maharashtra India


The “Air Touch Mouse Interface” introduces a groundbreaking method for human–computer interaction (HCI) by utilizing hand gestures captured through web cameras to control cursor movements without physical input devices. This project investigates the feasibility and effectiveness of employing image processing techniques to interpret hand gestures as mouse inputs, thereby enhancing the accessibility and versatility of computing interfaces. By eliminating the dependency on traditional mice and mouse pads, the proposed interface offers users a more intuitive and natural interaction experience, in line with the principles of natural user interface (NUI) design. Furthermore, the research explores potential applications of this technology in areas such as sign language recognition and motion-based gaming. Through comprehensive experimentation and analysis, this project aims to demonstrate the practicality and efficiency of the Air Touch Mouse Interface in improving user interaction with computing systems.

Keywords: Air touch mouse interface, human–computer interaction (HCI), hand gesture recognition, image processing, natural user interface (NUI), web camera, cursor control, sign language recognition, motion-based gaming

[This article belongs to Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends(joosdt)]

How to cite this article: Sheetal Nilawar, Yashswini Inamdar, Charusheela Pandit. Air Touch Mouse Interface. Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends. 2024; 11(01):1-16.
How to cite this URL: Sheetal Nilawar, Yashswini Inamdar, Charusheela Pandit. Air Touch Mouse Interface. Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends. 2024; 11(01):1-16. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received February 24, 2024
Accepted April 12, 2024
Published May 7, 2024