F. A. Abija,
A. M. Fakeye,
O. O. Ige,
I. Ifedotun,
Site investigation and application of geological and geotechnical influence factors on the highway were investigated. Method involved field sampling, geotechnical laboratory and x-ray diffraction analysis and use of SRTM extracted slope and drainage parameters; and their integration in a GIS based multi-criteria decision analysis to derive a subgrade suitability map as a design tool. The suitability criteria classified the highway into four (4) design sections. Section one for very low suitability material consisting of clays with x-ray diffraction mineralogical intensity > 11cts, CBR ranging from 0 – 3%, A6/7 AASHTO class with maximum dry density ranging from 1 – 10kg/m3 and optimum moisture content varying from 1 – 10%. A total compacted highway thickness ≥ 700mm is recommended. Design section two (2) comprising the low suitability soils is characterized by materials with XRD mineralogical intensity varying from 10cts – 11cts and CBR strength range of 4 – 10%. Adopting the lowest CBR of 4% in the empirical design would require ≥ 480mm compacted thickness. Design section three for moderate suitability soils with characteristically A-4 (silts) and CBR range of 10 – 15% is recommended to have a compacted thickness ≥ 300mm and design section four (4) for the high suitability areas. Design section 4 is characterized by A-2– suitable (very high for fair to poor quality) AASHTO materials with CBR >15%. Composite permeable pavement and soil improvement, use granular subbase and base course materials, and use of geosynthetic materials for roadbed drainage is recommend for climate resilient pavement crust.
Keywords: clay minerals, influence factors, Analytic hierarchy process, site suitability map, composite and permeable pavement
[This article belongs to Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (joge)]
F. A. Abija, A. M. Fakeye, O. O. Ige, I. Ifedotun. Geotechnical Influence Factors in Empirical Design of Highway Pavement: The A123 Ilorin – Lokoja Highway, Nigeria Case Studies. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2024; 11(03):53-70.
F. A. Abija, A. M. Fakeye, O. O. Ige, I. Ifedotun. Geotechnical Influence Factors in Empirical Design of Highway Pavement: The A123 Ilorin – Lokoja Highway, Nigeria Case Studies. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2024; 11(03):53-70. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joge/article=2024/view=182263
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Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Volume | 11 |
Issue | 03 |
Received | 25/08/2024 |
Accepted | 10/10/2024 |
Published | 18/10/2024 |