Advanced Anomaly Detection in Cloud Infrastructures Using Deep Learning Algorithms

Year : 2025 | Volume : 16 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-11

    Harshvardhan Chunawala,

  • Pratikkumar Chunawala,

  1. Cloud Infrastructure Architect, Amazon Web Services (AWS) – 10 Exchange Place, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
  2. Principal Cloud Architect, Amazon Web Services (AWS) – 10 Exchange Place, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA


It is critical to guarantee the stability and security of cloud environments as cloud computing is becoming the backbone of contemporary IT infrastructures. Neglecting to quickly identify and resolve anomalies, which might point to security breaches, performance problems, or system breakdowns, can lead to disastrous outcomes. The increasing size and complexity of cloud infrastructures are challenging the effectiveness of traditional anomaly detection methods. These approaches often depend on rule-based systems or statistical methodologies. In order to identify anomalies in cloud infrastructures, this study suggests a sophisticated method that makes use of deep learning algorithms. This research presents a framework that makes use of deep learning to identify and categorise abnormalities in real-time using CNNs and RNNs. A variety of indicators, including CPU utilisation, memory consumption, network traffic, and user behaviour patterns, are analysed by the suggested model. It learns to identify regular operating patterns and probable abnormalities by detecting deviations. We tested the framework on large datasets taken from actual cloud settings to see how well it worked. The results show that when compared to conventional approaches, the deep learning-based solution for anomaly identification is much more accurate and faster. In addition to lowering the rate of false positives, the suggested model enhances the identification of complicated and subtle abnormalities that may go unnoticed by more traditional methods. The model’s scalability also makes it well-suited for large-scale deployments, since it can adjust to the ever-changing cloud settings. By developing a powerful and effective method for detecting anomalies, this study adds to the continuing work in cloud security, which improves the stability and dependability of cloud infrastructures.

Keywords: Cloud infrastructures, anomaly detection, deep learning algorithms, CNNs, RNNs, cloud security, real-time monitoring

[This article belongs to Journal of Computer Technology & Applications (jocta)]

How to cite this article:
Harshvardhan Chunawala, Pratikkumar Chunawala. Advanced Anomaly Detection in Cloud Infrastructures Using Deep Learning Algorithms. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications. 2024; 16(01):1-11.
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Harshvardhan Chunawala, Pratikkumar Chunawala. Advanced Anomaly Detection in Cloud Infrastructures Using Deep Learning Algorithms. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications. 2024; 16(01):1-11. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 16
Issue 01
Received 18/10/2024
Accepted 08/12/2024
Published 21/12/2024

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